Posts Tagged ‘Stacked’

Sony announces Cyber-shot DSC-RX10 II with stacked 20MP sensor and 4K video

11 Jun

Sony has announced the Cyber-shot RX10 II, offering a 1″ type stacked 20MP CMOS sensor, 4K video recording (up to 29 minutes) and improved readout speed thanks to a new DRAM chip. The body design and lens specs remain in line with the RX10, including a Zeiss-branded 24-200mm equivalent F2.8 lens. Read more

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Fully stacked: Hands-on with Sony’s RX100 IV and RX10 II

11 Jun

Sony has released updates to its popular RX-series compact cameras, leaving the externals pretty much unchanged, but with a major update to their sensors. Both the RX100 IV and RX10 II feature a newly-developed 1inch 20MP stacked CMOS sensor, which allows them to capture 4K video and a whole lot more besides. We’ve had our hands on pre-production samples and you can see (and read) more after the jump

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Sony RX100 IV compact records 4K video, uses a stacked sensor

11 Jun

The Sony RX100 series of compacts has gained quite a positive reputation in the somewhat short time it’s been around, for squeezing a relatively large sensor into a small compact. The RX100 IV continues that tradition and uses Sony’s next generation sensor, a stacked 20.1MP 1″-type Exmor RS CMOS sensor, coupled with an attached DRAM memory chip for speedy processing. Read more

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Big Free Library: Public Pavillion Built of 50,000 Stacked Books

09 May

[ By WebUrbanist in Architecture & Public & Institutional. ]

lacuna large volume art

Stacked books form the structural columns of this remarkable structure while support beams in between serve as shelves for even more volumes that can be borrowed, all scanned and donated by the Internet Archive. Even the roof is formed of reading material, featuring fluttering book pages suspended from support wires. Like Free Little Libraries, this huge book repository offers its wares to anyone who wants to take a novel to read and (optionally) return, in turn letting each person who interacts with it to permanently shift its shape.

lacuna building structural books

Opening in one month at the Bay Area Book Festival, this temporary building is made to dissolve – the act of removing books from its shelves will change the way it looks and how light passes through its emptying walls. Reading benches in and around its twelve alcoves provide spaces for retreat or interaction.

lacuna structural design diagram

The title of this project, Lacuna, is also an obscure word referring to missing pages or sections of a book. Its creators FLUX Foundation have a great deal of experience building robust but interactive public art and architecture, including large-scale projects for Black Rock City (as part of the Burning Man festival). Over 200,000 books were actually donated by the Internet Archive, but the remaining 150,000 volumes will be saved for future similar projects.

lacuna project sketch

The Book Festival will also feature talks and readings by hundreds of authors as well as other structures and exhibits. More on the design and its inspiration: “Lacuna is a temple to books. Each of the twelve alcoves of Lacuna are formed by pillars created out of stacked books. Connecting these pillars are shelves filled with books. Above, fluttering book pages attached to guy-wires create a thatch-like roof, creating a space in which visitors literally, and figuratively, inhabit the interiority of books and their contents. “

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Sony debuts 21MP stacked CMOS sensor for smartphones

18 Nov

Sony has unveiled a new stacked CMOS image sensor for use in smartphones. Called the IMX230, it features 21 effective megapixels, on-chip phase detection AF and 4K video recording. The chip is a 1/2.4-inch type with square pixels measuring 1.12um x 1.12um each. Video of up to 4K (4096 x 2160) resolution is available with HDR function (also available in stills mode). Read more

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Cargo Canvases: 6 Street Artists Paint 22 Stacked Containers

31 Jul

[ By WebUrbanist in Art & Street Art & Graffiti. ]

cargo container greek gods

Towers constructed from shipping container modules formed the blank basis behind this series of incredible giant-sized, site-specific artworks using spray paint and pole brushes.

cargo shipping container art

cargo container blank canvas

For the North West Walls Street Art Festival in Belgium, curated by Arne Quinze, each contributor was encouraged to compose something on one side of each of three unique and random-seeming stacks.

cargo art under construction

cargo container stacked progress

cargo container art details

cargo shipping art finished

Famous graffiti artists Pichi & Avo added an array of Greek gods to their chosen canvas, framing the brilliantly-rendered figures in contemporary style, using warm-colored graffiti to create a stark contrast around them.

cargo container finished zoo

cargo container upper view

A play on the artist’s name and implicit commentary on creatures in captive zoo conditions, Roa’s Ark features a series of caged and chained animals each contained in one of the cargo units, the effectively black-and-white composition intentionally devoid of bright colors.

cargo container death mask

cargo container lift crane

cargo art strange face

Other contributors included Jen Zie and Martin Ron, adding further colorful and abstract creations to the mix. Together, the finished works represent a wonderful array of approaches, some playing on history, references and culture and others on visual effects, depth and perception.

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Animating Architecture: Real Facades Remixed, Spun & Stacked

06 Jun

[ By WebUrbanist in Art & Photography & Video. ]

architecture animaiton herzog de meuron

Taking building concepts to their illogical conclusions, this series of surreal animations provides a tour of impossible architectural structures and facades, each taken to a fresh visual extreme.

architecture facade shifting shapoe

architecture animation david chipperfield

Created by French architect Axel de Stampa, Architecture Animée inverts our expectation of solid structures (with people moving past and through them), instead creating a static backdrop and fixed surroundings against which iconic buildings come to life.

architecture animation estudio spinning

architecture animation tetris blocks

Each work ends up looking (abstractly) like an extension of the original architectural intent or some sort of motion implied within it, such as the above game of god-scaled Tetris that seems to play out in realtime.

architecture animation deconstructed facade

architecture animation la morphosis

This initial set shown here was created as part of 1Week1Project, organized by Ecole d’Architecture de Paris-Belleville graduate Sylvain Macaux to generate 52 spontaneous architecture projects over the space of a year (with over 25 completed to date).

architecture animated absolute towers mad

Structures subject to these whimsical deconstructions include the following: Vitrahaus by Herzog & de Meuron, Memory Museum by Estudio America, Theatre Agora by UNStudio, Emerson College Los Angeles by Morphosis, Mirador Building by MVRDV and Blanca Lleo, Americas Cup Building by David Chipperfield, New Museum by SANAA, Absolute Towers by MAD.

architecture animation building deconstruction

Spinning, twisting and deforming, the pieces play on something intrinsic to each subject – almost as much a natural extension as an artistic interpretation. Participating photographers include: Nicolas Saieh, Christian Richters, Iwan Baan, Luis Garcia, James Ewing and Tom Arban with more yet to come.

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Jenga-Like Hotel Made of Stacked Shipping Containers

24 Apr

[ By Steph in Architecture & Offices & Commercial. ]

Hive Inn Shipping Container Hotel 1

Shipping containers plastered in stark graphic branding are stacked in a Jenga-like configuration within a steel frame at the Hive-Inn, a concept hotel by OVA Studio. Individual units can easily be moved in and out for a constantly-changing design, with one-of-a-kind hotel suites traveling from one place to another.

Hive Inn Shipping Container Hotel 2

Hive Inn Shipping Container Hotel 3

Each container gets a unique interior design created by a brand, whether a luxury fashion house like Louis Vuitton, a tech company like Samsung or a celebrity like Lady Gaga. The advertiser’s branding is also painted on the exterior, creating an experience that immerses the occupants in the sponsor’s chosen visuals.

Hive Inn Shipping Container Hotel 4

Hive Inn Shipping Container Hotel 6

While some people aren’t crazy about feeling like ads are being force-fed to them, it’s not hard to imagine die-hard fans of companies like, say, Ferrari, jumping at the chance to stay in one of these rooms.

Hive Inn Shipping Container Hotel 5

OVA envisions the containers being leased to individuals or companies who need temporary space, used not just as hotel rooms but also offices or retail stores. The containers plug into a grid system with a service core and slots for small terraces.

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Stacked on Silos: Shipping Containers Reclaimed as Dorms

13 Feb

[ By Steph in Architecture & Houses & Residential. ]

Shipping Container Silo Student Housing 1

Disused grain silos long considered an eyesore in Johannesburg, South Africa are now topped with four layers of reclaimed shipping containers and almost ready to house hundreds of eager students. Mill Junction is an innovative housing project by Citiq Property Developers offering secure, comfortable, reasonably priced housing that could help raise the number of students who actually earn a degree.

Shipping Container Silo Student Housing 2
Shipping Container Silo Student Housing 6

The 11-story grain silos make up the bulk of the complex, with many apartments contained within. Windows have been cut into the silos and a paint job will help unify them with the colorful containers stacked on top. Mill Junction will contain 375 individual apartments as well as libraries, lounges, computer rooms and study facilities.

Shipping Container Silo Student Housing 3

The height of the complex will give students some of the best views in the city, especially those lucky enough to get the shipping container units with balcony space. About half of South African undergraduate students drop out of school, partially due to the high cost of living. This project offers energy-efficient, low-cost accommodation with details like motion-sensor lighting and common green space on the roof.

Shipping Container Silo Student Housing 4
Shipping Container Silo Student Housing 5

Construction was completed in January 2014 and students are expected to start moving in within weeks.

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Topographic Interiors: Pair of Stacked Plywood Storefronts

02 Feb

[ By WebUrbanist in Design & Fixtures & Interiors. ]

wood storefront

This set of two spaces in Osaka, an information hub and public cafe, each employs layers of horizontal wooden sheets that stack up vertically to form seating, shelves, standing desks and work surfaces.

wood plywood design japan

Japanese architect Kengo Kuma worked with their client, a regional restaurant guide requiring a physical presence in a space open to the public, to shape both essential elements and opportunities for unexpected interactions.

wood interior custom space

wood layered ply seating

Alternating layers of recessed and black-edged boards create a heightened contrast with their bright, naturally wood-colored counterparts sticking further out from the walls.

wood layered desk shelves

wood separated storefront japan

Both rooms are set in the bottom of the same structure but are separated by outdoor space, so their common (and unusual) material language helps them connect across the void.

wood layered exterior view

wood custom casework system

By using light colors and through bright illumination, people passing between the rooms are meant to find them surprising, distracting and engaging. The composition was made, in part, to draw in pedestrians on their way through the central passage that bisects the spaces, a visual ‘hook’ for busy commuters in the bustling city.

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