Animating Architecture: Real Facades Remixed, Spun & Stacked

06 Jun

[ By WebUrbanist in Art & Photography & Video. ]

architecture animaiton herzog de meuron

Taking building concepts to their illogical conclusions, this series of surreal animations provides a tour of impossible architectural structures and facades, each taken to a fresh visual extreme.

architecture facade shifting shapoe

architecture animation david chipperfield

Created by French architect Axel de Stampa, Architecture Animée inverts our expectation of solid structures (with people moving past and through them), instead creating a static backdrop and fixed surroundings against which iconic buildings come to life.

architecture animation estudio spinning

architecture animation tetris blocks

Each work ends up looking (abstractly) like an extension of the original architectural intent or some sort of motion implied within it, such as the above game of god-scaled Tetris that seems to play out in realtime.

architecture animation deconstructed facade

architecture animation la morphosis

This initial set shown here was created as part of 1Week1Project, organized by Ecole d’Architecture de Paris-Belleville graduate Sylvain Macaux to generate 52 spontaneous architecture projects over the space of a year (with over 25 completed to date).

architecture animated absolute towers mad

Structures subject to these whimsical deconstructions include the following: Vitrahaus by Herzog & de Meuron, Memory Museum by Estudio America, Theatre Agora by UNStudio, Emerson College Los Angeles by Morphosis, Mirador Building by MVRDV and Blanca Lleo, Americas Cup Building by David Chipperfield, New Museum by SANAA, Absolute Towers by MAD.

architecture animation building deconstruction

Spinning, twisting and deforming, the pieces play on something intrinsic to each subject – almost as much a natural extension as an artistic interpretation. Participating photographers include: Nicolas Saieh, Christian Richters, Iwan Baan, Luis Garcia, James Ewing and Tom Arban with more yet to come.

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