Jenga-Like Hotel Made of Stacked Shipping Containers

24 Apr

[ By Steph in Architecture & Offices & Commercial. ]

Hive Inn Shipping Container Hotel 1

Shipping containers plastered in stark graphic branding are stacked in a Jenga-like configuration within a steel frame at the Hive-Inn, a concept hotel by OVA Studio. Individual units can easily be moved in and out for a constantly-changing design, with one-of-a-kind hotel suites traveling from one place to another.

Hive Inn Shipping Container Hotel 2

Hive Inn Shipping Container Hotel 3

Each container gets a unique interior design created by a brand, whether a luxury fashion house like Louis Vuitton, a tech company like Samsung or a celebrity like Lady Gaga. The advertiser’s branding is also painted on the exterior, creating an experience that immerses the occupants in the sponsor’s chosen visuals.

Hive Inn Shipping Container Hotel 4

Hive Inn Shipping Container Hotel 6

While some people aren’t crazy about feeling like ads are being force-fed to them, it’s not hard to imagine die-hard fans of companies like, say, Ferrari, jumping at the chance to stay in one of these rooms.

Hive Inn Shipping Container Hotel 5

OVA envisions the containers being leased to individuals or companies who need temporary space, used not just as hotel rooms but also offices or retail stores. The containers plug into a grid system with a service core and slots for small terraces.

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[ By Steph in Architecture & Offices & Commercial. ]

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