Posts Tagged ‘JengaLike’

Jenga-Like Twisting Tower Won’t Leave Neighbors in the Shade

12 Feb

[ By Steph in Architecture & Offices & Commercial. ]

twisting tower 1

In order to get around strict city zoning regulations that forbid new structures from putting neighbors in the shade for more than two hours a day, architecture firm MVRDV devised a tower that twists upon itself to the point of seeming as if it could snap and fall over at any time. The twist creates an ultra-narrow profile right at the section of the building that would cast a shadow on nearby buildings.

twisting tower 2

twisting tower 3

From certain angles, it seems like chunks of the Hochhaus Tower have been taken right out near the base in a Jenga-like effect. Not only does this mean the bottom ten floors won’t cut off sunlight, it also routes strong winds away from the building’s plaza.

twisting tower 4

The twisting floors have outdoor terraces, while the rest feature glazed walls and 12-foot ceilings for sweeping views of Vienna and lots of natural daylight. The steel and glass facade will also have operable windows and full-height French doors.

twisting tower 5

Designed to be multifunctional for residential units, offices or other businesses, the Hochhaus Tower won three-stage international competition. Construction will begin in 2016, with an expected completion date of 2018.

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[ By Steph in Architecture & Offices & Commercial. ]

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Jenga-Like Hotel Made of Stacked Shipping Containers

24 Apr

[ By Steph in Architecture & Offices & Commercial. ]

Hive Inn Shipping Container Hotel 1

Shipping containers plastered in stark graphic branding are stacked in a Jenga-like configuration within a steel frame at the Hive-Inn, a concept hotel by OVA Studio. Individual units can easily be moved in and out for a constantly-changing design, with one-of-a-kind hotel suites traveling from one place to another.

Hive Inn Shipping Container Hotel 2

Hive Inn Shipping Container Hotel 3

Each container gets a unique interior design created by a brand, whether a luxury fashion house like Louis Vuitton, a tech company like Samsung or a celebrity like Lady Gaga. The advertiser’s branding is also painted on the exterior, creating an experience that immerses the occupants in the sponsor’s chosen visuals.

Hive Inn Shipping Container Hotel 4

Hive Inn Shipping Container Hotel 6

While some people aren’t crazy about feeling like ads are being force-fed to them, it’s not hard to imagine die-hard fans of companies like, say, Ferrari, jumping at the chance to stay in one of these rooms.

Hive Inn Shipping Container Hotel 5

OVA envisions the containers being leased to individuals or companies who need temporary space, used not just as hotel rooms but also offices or retail stores. The containers plug into a grid system with a service core and slots for small terraces.

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[ By Steph in Architecture & Offices & Commercial. ]

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Ultimate Wooden House Made of Jenga-Like Stacked Beams

27 Dec

[ By Steph in Architecture & Houses & Residential. ]

Jenga House 1

Explore the seemingly endless platforms and hidden nooks of this Jenga-like house, conceived as an example of “ultimate wooden architecture” by Sou Fujimoto Architects. Located in Kumamoto, Japan, ‘Final Wooden House’ consists of massive wooden blocks randomly stacked together with irregularly shaped openings covered in glass.

Jenga House 2

The architects were inspired by primitive conditions before architecture, like cave dwellings, where humans made the most of the surroundings as they found them.

Jenga house 3

Forget conventional rooms and staircases – this home is like a massive playhouse, requiring the inhabitants to climb from one block to another. The wooden blocks offer all manner of supports for various activities, but you’ll have to use your imagination to determine just how to use each one.

Jenga house 4

Of course, climbing around inside this minimalist jungle gym requires care, an able body, and perhaps a hard hat. Getting from one area to another in the dark might be an intimidating task. The house may not be terribly practical, but what it lacks in livability, it makes up for in pure fun.

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[ By Steph in Architecture & Houses & Residential. ]

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