Posts Tagged ‘Shell’

Inhabited Ruin: Modern Home Hidden Inside Abandoned Masonry Shell

07 Apr

[ By WebUrbanist in Architecture & Houses & Residential. ]

inhabited ruin

When the architect of this remarkable remodel was hired to create a new home for his clients, a derelict building on the site caught his eye and turned out to be the focal point of a marvelous design project.

ruin exterior

ruin side

Estudio Castillo Oli (images by Angel Baltanas) balances old and new in this hybrid project, inserting a contemporary dwelling into a stone-and-brick shell on the site.

window glazing

ourtyard inside

Part of the existing structural remnants were retrofit with modern windows and a roof to create interior spaces for the home while the rest were left up as a kind of fence for a semi-private exterior courtyard.

inner workings

view above

New ceramic tiles and timber framing matches the existing context while steel and glass add a modern touch. A glass wall between inside and outside spaces reduces the sense of separation between them.

window detail

timber modern

Inside, new walls are pulled back from window openings to reveal the old structure. Glass and trim likewise give space to old openings, preserving what was there. The net result is a gorgeous, rich and complex mixture of aged elements and new, creating something with a sense of time but also fit for modern living.

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Lightweight & Portable Egg-Shaped Drone Folds Up Into Shell

28 Feb

[ By WebUrbanist in Gadgets & Geekery & Technology. ]

poweregg drone

Boasting practical portability with an eye to aesthetics, the new PowerEgg stands out against its more ungainly competitors, able to fold up into a smooth oval when not in use.

powervision egg drone

PowerVision “wanted to create a beautiful yet functional design for the poweregg,” explains CEO Wally Zheng. “The oval shape is not only clean and pure but also has the structural and functional benefits. This simple yet vital design means that this is more than a flying robot but a work of art.”

poweregg size

The device features a 360-degree panoramic HD camera able to relay long-range video, advanced optical flow sensors for indoor navigation and an easy-to-use remote control.

powervision detail

Developed over a year and a half, a great deal of work went into structural engineering, particularly making the moving parts work as it transforms to active from passive modes and back again.

poweregg deployed

“We want flying a drone to be child’s play, something even a five-year-old can do,’ continued Zheng. “With this next generation of drones, much like the internet expanded access to information in the virtual world, drones 2.0 led by innovations like the PowerEgg can expand access to the physical world and bring together humans and machines in this journey.”

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Church for Crabs: Architectural 3D-Printed Hermit Shell

13 Aug

[ By Steph in Art & Sculpture & Craft. ]

hermit crab castle

A hermit crab scuttles along the sand, carrying a perfect replica of a Japanese wedding chapel on its back, complete with a tiny spire. After designing a series of crystal-clear ‘crawling cities,’ artist Aki Inomata returns with another detailed architectural alternative to natural shells, rendered in transparent acrylic so we can still see the crab’s body within.

hermit crab castle 2

Entitled ‘White Chapel,’ this miniature sculpture is the third installment of Inomata’s project ‘Why Not Hand Over a Shelter to Hermit Crabs?’ The shape will look familiar to Westerners, of course, as we see churches like this practically on every block. But in Japan, such structures are used for weddings only, and rarely for worshipping or any other form of religious services.

hermit crab castle 3 hermit crab castle 4

“When I visit Western countries, I sometimes notice the origin of architecture, habits, foods, etc… in Japan, they would be transformed into local styles, and I ask myself, ‘are we Japanese living in mimicry of western world?’ says the artist. “For me, these imitations, or I would say reproductions or arrangements of Western-style architecture, seem to reflect identities of post-colonialism inside of Japanese people.”

hermit crab castle 5

Inomata uses CT scanning to perfectly replicate the interior shape of a natural hermit crab shell so all of her artificial alternatives fit comfortably. Previous versions have included skylines of New York City and Amsterdam, as well as reproductions of buildings in Paris and Tokyo.

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Get Mom an Engineer Print Kit (She’ll love it!)

04 May

Fun fact: Your mom adores photos. The more the better … and the bigger the better!

Today only (5/4) we’ve discounted our Engineer Print Kits by 10 smackeroos, so you can snag one on the cheap. Mom always did give prudent financial advice.

As her favorite child, she’ll obviously print a life-size photo of you with her Engineer Print gift card. Then, she’ll hang it will the mounting goodies that come in the kit. It’ll be like you’re always there, making monkey faces. Thanks, mom.

Order today and we’ll get it to you (or straight to her) in time for Mom’s Day!

Go BIG for Mom
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Engineer Print Kit
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© Erin for Photojojo, 2015. |
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Bio-Mobile: 3D-Printed Car Body Inspired by Turtle Shell

08 May

[ By Steph in Technology & Vehicles & Mods. ]

3D Printed Turtle Shell Car 1

3D printing enables the body of a car to be more complex than ever, yet fairly quick and economical to produce. EDAG, the world’s largest engineering consultant to the automobile industry, has revealed an incredibly intricate model inspired by the biomechanics of a turtle shell. The Genesis represents the possibilities that the world of 3D printing is opening up for the future of the industry.

3D Printed Turtle Shell Car 2

Automotive panels and parts are currently cut, punched, molded and tooled out of sheets of metal, fiberglass or composite materials. Additive 3D printing changes the game, with shapes built one tiny particle at a time, enabling an unprecedented level of precision.

3D Printed Turtle Shell Car 3

3D Printed Turtle Shell Car 4

The Genesis is made from thermoplastic carbon fiber, laid down layer-by-layer by computer-controlled robots for a result that’s extremely flexible and strong, yet lightweight. This process also cuts down on material waste. EDAG produced a 3D printed scale model to give us an idea of what it would look like full size.

3D Printed Turtle Shell Car 5

As of yet, the Genesis is still a concept, really just intended to demonstrate the capabilities of 3D printing in the automotive industry. But the Urbee 2 is an example of a 3D-printed vehicle that’s actually road-tested and nearly ready for mass production. This compact, lightweight 3-wheel design gets 290 miles per gallon fuel efficiency thanks to its incredibly aerodynamic chassis.

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Starry Light: Hand-Crafted Shell Lamps Cast Stellar Patterns

11 Sep

[ By WebUrbanist in Design & Furniture & Decor. ]

lamp ball of light

Innocuous spheres by day, the carefully handmade holes dotting these coconut shells are hard to even see until they light up at night, morphing from muted balls to bright orbs.

lamp 2

lamp 6

lamp 4

lamp 3

lamp 5

lamp 7

Once illuminated, these subtle spheres are themselves beautifully lit up from within, but also project amazing patterns on surrounding walls, furniture and furnishings, whether set on the floor or placed on a bookcase or nightstand.

lamp 14

lamp 15

lamp 18

lamp 19

Creator Vainius Kubilius explains their constituent parts in anatomical terms – bones (of metal wire) to create a strong and flexible stand, wrapped with skin (of various ropes) to create a tactile exterior, with a head and brain (custom drilled coconut) unique in each case and giving personality to the whole.

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Starry Light Hand Crafted Shell Lamps Cast Stellar Patterns

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Blue shell pattern design

19 Jan

A few nice visual art images I found:

Blue shell pattern design
visual art
Image by Rebekah Leigh
A pattern created from shell drawings done using felt tip, this pattern has a really nice feel to it, I love the visual look that using felt tip pens gives you, it looks great when scanned in and made into patterns. Rebekah Leigh Marshall 2010

You can also view my pattern designs here:

Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
visual art
Image by Martin Beek
Detail of painting by Camille Pissarro (10 July 1830 – 13 November 1903) was a French Impressionist painter. His importance resides not only in his visual contributions to Impressionism and Post-Impressionism, but also in his patriarchal standing among his colleagues, particularly Paul Cézanne and Paul Gauguin.

visual art
Image by MTAPhotos
MTA Arts for Transit in Sept. 2011 unveiled "Union Square in Motion," a temporary interactive art installation in which the movement of passersby animates a digital visual display depicting nine sets of abstract and organic-themed images created by nine student artists. The display is a digital zoetrope, a series of still images that differ from one another in slight ways and create the appearance of animation when viewed in succession. The artwork’s creators describe it as the world’s largest digital linear zoetrope. More: Photo by Metropolitan Transportation Authority / Rob Wilson.

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CAKE | She’ll Come Back To Me

03 Aug

CLASS PROJECT: Music Video • SHE’LL COME BACK TO ME by Cake • Album: Fashion Nugget • Shot with the Nikon D90.
Video Rating: 4 / 5


The Shell Game

02 Feb

Lotor gives the Voltron Force crabs. Giant Robeast crabs that is. The evil Prince springs his decapod-esque Robots in the middle of Planet Arus’ cities, and the Giant Robot team is hot to trot hoping to stop them. Watch hundreds of free full-length streaming movies and TV shows on Crackle Twitter Minisode Twitter: Be a Facebook Fan! Tags: minisode voltron defender universe lion zarkon allua keith anime animation 80s cartoon saturday free tv japan crabs watch free streaming television tv video crackle
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