Lightweight & Portable Egg-Shaped Drone Folds Up Into Shell

28 Feb

[ By WebUrbanist in Gadgets & Geekery & Technology. ]

poweregg drone

Boasting practical portability with an eye to aesthetics, the new PowerEgg stands out against its more ungainly competitors, able to fold up into a smooth oval when not in use.

powervision egg drone

PowerVision “wanted to create a beautiful yet functional design for the poweregg,” explains CEO Wally Zheng. “The oval shape is not only clean and pure but also has the structural and functional benefits. This simple yet vital design means that this is more than a flying robot but a work of art.”

poweregg size

The device features a 360-degree panoramic HD camera able to relay long-range video, advanced optical flow sensors for indoor navigation and an easy-to-use remote control.

powervision detail

Developed over a year and a half, a great deal of work went into structural engineering, particularly making the moving parts work as it transforms to active from passive modes and back again.

poweregg deployed

“We want flying a drone to be child’s play, something even a five-year-old can do,’ continued Zheng. “With this next generation of drones, much like the internet expanded access to information in the virtual world, drones 2.0 led by innovations like the PowerEgg can expand access to the physical world and bring together humans and machines in this journey.”

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[ By WebUrbanist in Gadgets & Geekery & Technology. ]

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