Get Mom an Engineer Print Kit (She’ll love it!)

04 May

Fun fact: Your mom adores photos. The more the better … and the bigger the better!

Today only (5/4) we’ve discounted our Engineer Print Kits by 10 smackeroos, so you can snag one on the cheap. Mom always did give prudent financial advice.

As her favorite child, she’ll obviously print a life-size photo of you with her Engineer Print gift card. Then, she’ll hang it will the mounting goodies that come in the kit. It’ll be like you’re always there, making monkey faces. Thanks, mom.

Order today and we’ll get it to you (or straight to her) in time for Mom’s Day!

Go BIG for Mom
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Engineer Print Kit
(She’ll love it!) (0 words)

© Erin for Photojojo, 2015. |
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(She’ll love it!)”>

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