Blue shell pattern design

19 Jan

A few nice visual art images I found:

Blue shell pattern design
visual art
Image by Rebekah Leigh
A pattern created from shell drawings done using felt tip, this pattern has a really nice feel to it, I love the visual look that using felt tip pens gives you, it looks great when scanned in and made into patterns. Rebekah Leigh Marshall 2010

You can also view my pattern designs here:

Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
visual art
Image by Martin Beek
Detail of painting by Camille Pissarro (10 July 1830 – 13 November 1903) was a French Impressionist painter. His importance resides not only in his visual contributions to Impressionism and Post-Impressionism, but also in his patriarchal standing among his colleagues, particularly Paul Cézanne and Paul Gauguin.

visual art
Image by MTAPhotos
MTA Arts for Transit in Sept. 2011 unveiled "Union Square in Motion," a temporary interactive art installation in which the movement of passersby animates a digital visual display depicting nine sets of abstract and organic-themed images created by nine student artists. The display is a digital zoetrope, a series of still images that differ from one another in slight ways and create the appearance of animation when viewed in succession. The artwork’s creators describe it as the world’s largest digital linear zoetrope. More: Photo by Metropolitan Transportation Authority / Rob Wilson.

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