Camera Bracketing for HDR Photography tips (Photomatix)

27 Sep Photography book now available Here in this video i show you what the function of bracketing is on your camera and what it is for. After shooting you then edit your photo for an HDR image (High dynamic range) and I take you through the editing process of the HDR software called photomatix. Ifyou enjoy my photography related videos please post them on your facebook page and let others know about this channel, To keep up to date Please join the facebook fan page twitter page flickr account

READ THIS!!!! DO YOUR RESEARCH!!!! All info supplied here is my opinion and I (or Youtube) am NOT responsible for anything that happens from you using this info. No animals were harmed in the making of this video (My simple disclaimer). Maybe this will work for you and maybe it won’t but it might be worth a look. Check it out for yourself. Now, I suggest you learn some simple photoshop skills. There are plenty of videos on how to use photoshop on Youtube and the web. RESEARCH!!! Next, Google image banks & royalty free photos. You will find several sites that will represent your works. Now, actually go to those sites and learn all you can. RESEARCH!!! Again, look at the photo categories & then sort by “download” and you will see the most downloaded images. That will give you an idea of what type of images are in demand. Next check the requirements of the image banks that interest you. Example: If an image bank needs photos to be at least 3GB in size and you only have a 1GB camera, well then you’ll have to overcome that problem won’t you? ADDITIONAL: This simple principal can be applied to artistic illustrations and video footage as well. IMPORTANT NOTE: This video is NOT an endorsement for any service. If someone uses this video to promote their book, DVD, etc on how to make money selling digital images (as they surely will), I suggest you use care before you decide to buy it. I have given you all the information you really need to get started. Good luck! Make money with


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