Avatar – XD 3D – Screenshots Promo

18 May

Here are some live action screen shots from a clip from Avatar in XD 3D, the worlds premier 3D conversion format, bettered only by the 3D original. Put these bold claims to the test, turn off the lights, watch with red-blue 3D glasses in HD fullscreen, and move back. I took a whole day to do the 3D video clip, it is spectacular beyond belief on an HDTV @1080p, due to copyright all I can show is this promo screenshot video…enjoy it…I certainly did. If the studio is looking for a 3D release of Avatar that works in anaglyph on a normal HDTV…this is it….it would be my pleasure šŸ™‚
Video Rating: 4 / 5


Posted in 3D Videos


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