A few shots – now a little bit old and in low resolution – of golden – rainy Prague. It was taken using 2 movie cameras and processed by a 3D anaglyph software (www.3DJournal.com ). Please use 3D anaglyph (cyan glasses for watching… Maybe it’s not so good as iMax, but it’s free :-). And we have more 3D videos – in HD – on YouTube now. For example 3D safari from Tanzania (see link in the video).
Video Rating: 2 / 5
3D Fun – A 3D movie taster of 3D movies made by 3D Experience Ltd converted to anaglyph (red/cyan) 3D. This type of effect is the simplest kind to view on a computer. Use Red/Cyan 3D glasses to view the 3D effect. Red is Left Eye and Cyan is right. 3D glasses can be purchased from our store here… cnb-host4.clickandbuild.com 3D Experience theatres are full colour polarized 3D – now in High Definition. A higher resolution anaglyph DVD – Ultimate 3D DVD, with 10 x 3D movies (90 minutes) can be purchased from the store also a shutter glasses version is available. 3D Experience Ltd install 3D theatres world-wide and is an experienced stereoscopic 3D production company winning many awards for innovative products and services. Would you like a 3D theatre of your own or how about shooting your next movie in 3D HD? Sorry but the quality of utube video is not good. A better quality video here at google… video.google.co.uk Lots more info on 3D at our website here…. www.3dexperience.co.uk
Video Rating: 4 / 5