Canon 40D DVD | Metering Modes | Training Lessons |

01 Nov

This is a simple and effective lesson on what a metering mode is, how it operates, and how you can use it as a beginning photographer. The video details the Canon 40D’s metering modes, but is applicable to most digital cameras. The full DVD (3 hours of training) can be ordered from: If you are trying to learn your canon 40 d, it is a must have!
Video Rating: 4 / 5

PART 3 OF 4: This sparkling new video replaced the old and lousy time lapse video that we deleted from this channel. This video demonstrates you how to do time lapse with your Nikon digital SLR. Enjoy! Music: Autumn Leaves by John Coltrane CAMERAS WITH INTERVAL SHOOTING MODE AVAILABLE…
Video Rating: 0 / 5


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