Windows Live Photo Gallery 2011 – Move Original Copies of Edited Photos to Recycle Bin after Awhile

30 Oct

If hard drive space is at a premium, place original copies of photos edited in Windows Live Photo Gallery 2011 into the Recycle Bin for later emptying.

It is always recommended to make backup copies of photos before editing them. To help automate this process, as you edit photos in Windows Live Photo Gallery 2011, the software makes its own backup copies of originals. This way you can later revert the changes if you do not find the edits to your liking.

If you edit many photos using Photo Gallery 2011 and hard drive space is at a premium, you may decide that once you edit a photo and leave it edited for awhile without reverting to the original, you mean for the edit to stick. Or, you may make backup copies of photos before importing them into Photo Gallery 2011 and not need the tool to make its own copies. Thus you can automatically move original photos to the Recycle Bin after a given period of time by doing the following:…

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