Posts Tagged ‘Windows’

Bitcoin plånbok Windows Erfarenheter

04 Sep

Att välja Bitcoin plånbok Windows de bästa kryptosystem som finns på marknaden är en mycket viktig aspekt av handeln. Om du inte är medveten om detta kan det sluta med att du förlorar mycket pengar i det långa loppet. Om du vill göra mest vinst på kortast möjliga tid måste du göra din hemläxa väl. Här är några av de grunder som du bör känna till innan du väljer de bästa mynten att handla på marknaden med.

Bitcoin plånbok Windows

En av de första sakerna du måste titta efter i de bästa valutorna som finns på marknaden är deras inflationsgrad. För att förstå detta måste du först förstå vad inflation är. Inflation är helt enkelt en ökning av priserna utan att varor och tjänster minskar. Till exempel är en enårig dollar värd mycket mer om några månader, eller hur? Så om du väljer att investera i de bästa råvarorna för det här århundradet vore det klokt att hålla utkik efter de valutor som enligt prognoserna kommer att uppleva den högsta inflationen under de kommande tio åren.

Ett annat grundläggande övervägande när det gäller att investera i de bästa valutorna är deras historik när det gäller handel och gruvdrift. Man kan inte bara välja vilket gammalt system som helst att investera i idag. Det finns hundratusentals valutor som handlas på marknaden och endast ett fåtal utvalda är lönsamma. Därför är det nödvändigt att du forskar väl om de olika systemen som finns tillgängliga för att veta vilket av de tillgängliga kryptosystemen som är det bästa att investera i.

Ett av de enklaste sätten att avgöra vilken av de bästa valutorna att investera i är genom att titta på den underliggande tillgångens egenskaper. Detta kallas tillgångens egenskaper och de är kända som Ripples. Låt oss ta en titt på två exempel på de bästa valutorna att investera i under det kommande decenniet. Den första typen av tillgång är aktier. Ett index som följer värdet av olika typer av företag kallas aktier. Så om vi tittar på de tio främsta valutorna som kommer att styra aktiemarknadens värde i framtiden är det troligt att dollarn kommer att fortsätta sin uppgång eftersom värdet på aktier i USA och Europa förväntas stiga.

Den andra typen av tillgångar är guld. Det finns en stor sannolikhet för att guldpriset kommer att stiga under det kommande decenniet. Om du håller på med handel och inte har teknisk kunskap om vilken av de bästa valutorna du ska investera i bör du prova de bästa kryptovalutorna som sannolikt kommer att öka i värde under detta årtionde. Bland de möjliga valutorna att investera i Bitcoin plånbok Windows finns euron, den japanska yenen, den australiska dollarn, schweiziska francen, den kanadensiska dollarn och det brittiska pundet. Var och en av dessa valutor har sina egna för- och nackdelar och du bör noggrant studera dem innan du investerar i dem.

Även om det är lätt att bli lockad av de dåliga nyheterna om att investera i kryptovalutor finns det ingen dålig investering när det gäller mynt. Anledningen till detta är att de flesta investerare som är nya i den här branschen slutar med att förlora sina pengar eftersom de inte har rätt kunskap om vilka av de bästa valutorna de ska investera i. Så när du letar efter de bästa valutorna att investera i är det viktigt att du blir bekant med alla dessa. Detta beror på att endast genom att bli en registrerad användare av en onlinehandelsplats kan du få tillgång till alla de bästa kryptovalutorna som finns tillgängliga i världen idag.

Det finns många fördelar som är förknippade med att investera i de bästa kryptokurvorna, bland annat det faktum att de handlas på den globala marknaden. Därför är det lätt att handla med de bästa valutorna och du kan också förvänta dig god avkastning. Att investera i de bästa valutorna kräver dock att du lär dig hur systemet fungerar, grunderna i ekonomi och företagsledning. Om du till exempel är en investerare som är ny på att investera på altcoin-marknaden, är det bättre om du får hjälp av professionella personer som experter och handlare.

Det finns många fördelar som du kan njuta av när du investerar i de bästa valutorna i världen. En av dessa är att när du väljer de bästa kryptosurferna kan du vara säker på att värdet på din investering alltid kommer att vara stabilt. Eftersom värdet på varje mynt varierar beroende på utbud och efterfrågan är det viktigt att du investerar i de bästa valutorna och sedan handlar med dem enligt dina behov. När värdet på en valuta fluktuerar kan du alltså enkelt sälja dina tillgångar och investera i de nya.

Det bästa sättet att investera i de bästa kryptosurfarna är att se till att du är välinformerad om de olika faktorer som påverkar värdet på ett visst mynt och du har också en expert som kan lära dig hur du väljer de bästa valutorna att investera i. När du vill göra vinster från handeln med den bästa kryptosurf bör du alltså se till att du utbildar dig om marknadens ekonomi och affärsmodeller. Här är nästa intressanta blogginlägg: Bitcoin Cash Bch Btc.

The post Bitcoin plånbok Windows Erfarenheter first appeared on Hur man använder kryptovalutor på rätt sätt.

Hur man använder kryptovalutor på rätt sätt

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Adobe releases Photoshop beta for Apple Silicon and Windows ARM

18 Nov

As new M1-equipped Macs arrive to early adopters this week, Adobe has released a beta ARM version of Photoshop. The beta allows owners of the Microsoft Surface Pro X and M1-powered Macs to run Photoshop natively. The current public release version of Photoshop runs emulated on both Windows and macOS.

Looking at the beta version of Photoshop for Apple Silicon, there are missing features, but Adobe states that many core features are fully operational. The beta will only run on Apple hardware using the M1 chip, so the M1-equipped MacBook Air, 13″ MacBook Pro and Mac mini.

M1-equipped 13″ MacBook Pro. Image credit: Apple

There are a variety of known issues, the full list of them can be found here. As Adobe states, many features are not yet available, including Camera RAW, Select Sky/Sky Replacement, Content Aware Fill/Scale/Move, Auto-Blend Layers, Photomerge, Spot Healing Brush and much more. Further, some included features have bugs, including opening hundreds of files, performing object selection, certain upscaling methods and more. For additional details, refer here.

For the Windows ARM beta, many of the same issues persist. To use this beta, you must have a Surface Pro X with at least 8GB of RAM and be running Windows 10 build 19041.488. Specific to the Windows ARM version, users must install the Microsoft OpenCL and OpenGL Compatibility Pack in order to take advantage of OpenCL- and OpenGL-related functions, of which there are many inside of Photoshop.

Microsoft Surface Pro X. Image credit: Microsoft

Despite the missing features and known issues, Adobe says, ‘We are excited to announce the first Beta release of Photoshop running natively on Apple Silicon Hardware and Windows ARM devices.’ Adobe also promises that more features will be added in short order. Since the software is in beta, it’s not officially supported yet, but Adobe wants users to try it and provide feedback. You can post issues not listed in the ‘Known Issues’ sections found in the above links by visiting the Photoshop (Beta) forum.

To reiterate, the current beta version is not quite ready to act as your daily Photoshop application, nor does it fully showcase what the new Windows ARM and Apple M1 architectures are capable of when it comes to running Adobe Photoshop. In fact, the beta has been released exclusively for early feedback. Nonetheless, the beta represents a critical and important step in the development process and paves the way for what we all expect to be very fast, efficient versions of Adobe Photoshop. Early reports from users of the new Apple M1 machines showcase remarkable performance and benchmarks, and there’s ample reason to expect Adobe will be able to extract that power in its software.

(Via The Verge)

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Canon brings its macOS EOS Webcam Utility out of beta and updates Windows version to 1.1

13 Nov

Canon has announced a full production version (1.0) of its EOS Webcam Utility software for macOS and a version 1.1 update for Windows computers.

Less than a week after Nikon announced its webcam utility was out of beta, Canon has done the same. Canon says its beta program has been downloaded more than one million times around the world and with this new update comes new support for a total of 43 compatible EOS interchangeable lens and PowerShot cameras. Below is a complete list of the cameras currently supported:

  • EOS 1DX Mark III
  • EOS 1DX Mark II
  • EOS 1DX
  • EOS 1D C
  • EOS 5DS R
  • EOS 5DS
  • EOS 5D Mark IV
  • EOS 5D Mark III
  • EOS 5D Mark II
  • EOS 6D
  • EOS 7D Mark II
  • EOS 7D
  • EOS 90D
  • EOS 80D
  • EOS 77D
  • EOS 70D
  • EOS 60D
  • EOS Rebel T8i
  • EOS Rebel T7i
  • EOS Rebel T6s
  • EOS Rebel T6i
  • EOS Rebel T5i
  • EOS Rebel T3i
  • EOS Revel SL3
  • EOS Rebel SL2
  • EOS Rebel SL1
  • EOS Rebel T7
  • EOS Rebel T6
  • EOS Rebel T3
  • EOS Rebel T100
  • EOS R5
  • EOS R6
  • EOS R1
  • EOS R
  • EOS RP
  • EOS M6 Mark II
  • EOS M50 Mark II
  • EOS M50
  • EOS M200
  • PowerShot G5X Mark II
  • PowerShot G7X Mark III
  • PowerShot SX70 HS

Canon has also improved compatibility with third-party videoconferencing and streaming programs. Canon says its EOS Webcam Utility has been tested and confirmed to work with the following programs:

  • Apple Facetime
  • Cisco Webex
  • Discord
  • Facebook Live
  • Facebook Messenger
  • Google Hangouts
  • Google Hangouts Meet
  • Microsoft Teams
  • OBS
  • Skype
  • Slack
  • Streamlabs OBS
  • YouTube Live
  • Zoom

Below are two guides from Canon on how to get started with using your Canon camera as a webcam input on macOS and Windows computers:

Canon says it will ‘continue to lean on customers [and] listen to the market’ to improve the utility going forward. You can download EOS Webcam Utility version 1.0 for macOS and version 1.1 for Windows computer on Canon’s website. If you have questions, comments or complaints, Canon has opened up a new forum specifically for discussing its webcam utility.

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Sony brings its Imaging Edge Webcam utility to macOS, updates Windows version

16 Oct

Sony has announced the release of a macOS version of its Imaging Edge Webcam utility as well as an update for the Windows version.

Back in August, Sony followed in the footsteps of other manufacturers with the announcement of Imaging Edge Webcam, a utility that turned three dozen Sony cameras into webcams without the need of a capture card. At the time, the utility was Windows-only, but it’s now available for macOS.

Much like the Windows version, the macOS version (1.0) makes it easy to turn one of the following Sony camera systems into a dedicated webcam by simply connecting it over USB:

?: E-mount?ILCE-?

  • ILCE-7M2
  • ILCE-7M3
  • ILCE-7RM2
  • ILCE-7RM3
  • ILCE-7RM4
  • ILCE-7S
  • ILCE-7SM2
  • ILCE-7SM3
  • ILCE-9
  • ILCE-9M2
  • ILCE-5100
  • ILCE-6100
  • ILCE-6300
  • ILCE-6400
  • ILCE-6500
  • ILCE-6600

?: A-mount?ILCA-?

  • ILCA-77M2
  • ILCA-99M2
  • ILCA-68

Digital Still Camera?DSC-/Vlog camera)

  • DSC-HX95
  • DSC-HX99
  • DSC-RX0
  • DSC-RX0M2
  • DSC-RX100M4
  • DSC-RX100M5
  • DSC-RX100M5A
  • DSC-RX100M6
  • DSC-RX100M7
  • DSC-RX10M2
  • DSC-RX10M3
  • DSC-RX10M4
  • DSC-RX1RM2
  • DSC-WX700
  • DSC-WX800
  • ZV-1

The Windows version has also received a 1.1 update. No specific changes were mentioned, but it’s safe to assume there were a number of bugs dealt with.

You can download both the macOS (1.0) and Windows (1.1) versions of Imaging Edge Webcam from Sony’s website.

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Astropad announces Luna Display for Windows, turning your iPad into a wireless display for your PC

01 Oct

Astropad successfully funded Luna Display for Mac on Kickstarter in late 2019. The company is back with another project, Luna Display for Windows. The new project was fully funded in its first hour on Kickstarter. Luna Display for Windows allows iPad owners to turn their Apple device into a wireless PC display.

Astropad states that Luna Display for Windows is the only hardware solution available to turn any modern iPad into a wireless second display for a PC or Mac. You can connect your iPad via Wi-Fi or with a wired connection. For a physical connection, you can select between USB-C or HDMI Luna Display units. Astropad promises ‘lag-free lightning-fast speeds’ and compatibility with any Windows or Mac application

Luna Display for Windows boasts many features, including support for iPad touch gestures. Image credit: Astropad

Luna Display for Windows is fully compatible with external keyboard and mouse peripherals, full iPad touch gestures and supports Apple Pencil pressure sensitivity. Astropad promises low latency and a ‘crystal clear’ display.

When working on a single display, especially a smaller notebook display, it can be difficult to fit your entire workspace. With a second display, you can instantly and easily expand your workspace, allowing additional flexibility when working. If you don’t need a second display but would like to be untethered from a desktop computer, you can use Luna Display wirelessly to work on your iPad anywhere you can connect to your Wi-Fi network, such as in a more comfortable room in your home or maybe even outside.

In order to ensure a low-latency and clear wireless image, Luna leverages its own custom video compression technology, LIQUID. The rendering system adjusts in real-time to prevailing network conditions to ensure fast performance. Luna Display promises latency as low as 16 milliseconds, which is considerably faster than the 204ms of Windows Connect and 64ms performance when using Apple’s Airplay technology. Further, LIQUID uses GPU acceleration when available to ensure stable performance.

Luna Display requires the use of a small device, which you can plug into an HDMI port (Windows compatibility only) or USB-C (compatible with Windows and Mac). The device’s size varies slightly with the selected port type, but in either case, it weighs a little over an ounce.

Once your Luna Display is inserted into your computer, you will need to open a dedicated Luna Display app on your computer and your iPad. As soon as the applications are running, you’re good to go.

Luna Display for Windows requires Microsoft Windows 10 64-bit, Build 1809 or later. It requires an Intel or AMD processor with 64-bit support that is 2 GHz or faster. As for RAM, Luna Display requires at least 4 GB. Luna Display for Windows is compatible with Intel HD Graphics 520, AMD Radeon RX Vega 3, NVIDIA GeForce 820m or later; or an equivalent DirectX 11 compatible GPU. On the iPad side of the equation, nearly any iPad will work. Luna Display is compatible with iPad Mini 2 (2013 or later), iPad Pro (2016 or later), iPad 5th generation (2017 or later) and iPad Air (2013 or later). Your iPad must be running iOS 9.1 or later and 32-bit devices are not supported.

Image credit: Astropad

You can pledge $ 49 USD to support Luna Display for Windows and save up to $ 31 off retail price. Luna Display for Windows is scheduled to begin shipping in May 2021. For additional information and full pledge details, head to Luna Display for Windows Kickstarter project page.

Disclaimer: Remember to do your research with any crowdfunding project. DPReview does its best to share only the projects that look legitimate and come from reliable creators, but as with any crowdfunded campaign, there’s always the risk of the product or service never coming to fruition.

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Canon’s EOS Webcam Utility out of beta on Windows, now supports more programs, cameras

18 Sep

Canon has announced its EOS Webcam Utility is now out of beta for Windows, bringing improved support and additional compatibility with more Canon cameras.

Originally released in beta for Windows, Canon’s EOS Webcam Utility is now an official release. In addition to supporting more livestreaming, messaging and video conferencing programs, the official release also adds support for more cameras, ensuring more than 40 Canon camera models can be used as webcams over USB and Wi-Fi (with compatible cameras).

Below is a list of the programs that will now work with EOS Webcam Utility for Windows:

  • Cisco Webex®
  • Messenger
  • Streamlabs
  • Discord
  • Microsoft Teams
  • YouTube Live
  • LIVE Facebook Live
  • Open Broadcaster Software
  • ZOOM
  • Hangouts
  • Skype
  • Hangouts Meet
  • Slack

As for cameras, below is a list of the models that are currently supported by the official release:

EOS Digital Cameras

  • EOS-1D C*
  • EOS-1D X*
  • EOS-1D X Mark II
  • EOS-1D X Mark IlI
  • EOS 5D Mark III*
  • EOS 5D Mark IV
  • EOS 5DS
  • EOS 5DS R
  • EOS 6D *
  • EOS 6D Mark I **
  • EOS 60D *
  • EOS 7D *
  • EOS 7D Mark I1
  • EOS 70D *
  • EOS 77D**
  • EOS 80D **
  • EOS 90D **
  • EOS M200 ***
  • EOS M50 **
  • EOS M6 Mark II **
  • EOS R
  • EOS R5*
  • EOS R6 ***
  • EOS Ra*
  • EOS Rebel SL1*
  • EOS Rebel SL2 **
  • EOS Rebel SL3 **
  • EOS Rebel T3*
  • EOS Rebel T3i*
  • EOS Rebel T5*
  • EOS Rebel T5i*
  • EOS Rebel T6
  • EOS Rebel T6i
  • EOS Rebel T6s *
  • EOS Rebel T7 **
  • EOS Rebel T7i **
  • EOS Rebel T8i***
  • EOS Rebel T100 **
  • EOS RP **

PowerShot Cameras:

  • PowerShot G5X Mark II **
  • PowerShot G7X Mark Ill **
  • PowerShot SX70 HS

* Recently added camera
** USB not included with camera

You can find installation instructions and a link to download the EOS Webcam Utility Official Release for Windows on Canon’s website.

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Sony’s Imaging Edge Webcam utility turns 35 of its camera into webcams on Windows 10

21 Aug

It might be one of the last manufacturers to the party, but Sony has just released its Imaging Edge Webcam utility, making it possible to use select Sony cameras as webcams with compatible livestreaming and video conferencing programs.

Similar to webcam utilities for other companies, Sony’s Imaging Edge Webcam utility is only available for Windows 10 computers, for now. We’ve inquired with Sony about a macOS version and will update with more information when we have it.

Below is a list of the cameras supported by Imaging Edge Webcam utility as of version 1.0.0:

?: E-mount?ILCE-?

  • ILCE-7M2
  • ILCE-7M3
  • ILCE-7RM2
  • ILCE-7RM3
  • ILCE-7RM4
  • ILCE-7S
  • ILCE-7SM2
  • ILCE-7SM3
  • ILCE-9
  • ILCE-9M2
  • ILCE-5100
  • ILCE-6100
  • ILCE-6300
  • ILCE-6400
  • ILCE-6500
  • ILCE-6600

?: A-mount?ILCA-?

  • ILCA-77M2
  • ILCA-99M2
  • ILCA-68

Digital Still Camera?DSC-/Vlog camera)

  • DSC-HX95
  • DSC-HX99
  • DSC-RX0
  • DSC-RX0M2
  • DSC-RX100M4
  • DSC-RX100M5
  • DSC-RX100M5A
  • DSC-RX100M6
  • DSC-RX100M7
  • DSC-RX10M2
  • DSC-RX10M3
  • DSC-RX10M4
  • DSC-RX1RM2
  • DSC-WX700
  • DSC-WX800
  • ZV-1

The utility is free to download on Sony’s website. Simply select the camera you intend to use the program with and click the download link. Sony has also provided a thorough guide on how to install the utility and set your camera up for use.

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Blackmagic adds Windows support for BRAW 2.0 with DaVinci Resolve 16.3 update

10 Aug

Blackmagic Design has released DaVinci Resolve 16.3 Beta 2, DaVinci Resolve 16.3 Studio Beta 2 and Blackmagic RAW 2.0 Beta 2. Together, these updates add support for viewing and editing Blackmagic RAW 2.0 footage on Windows computers.

Just last month, Blackmagic Design released the Blackmagic RAW 2.0 Beta 1, which added Blackmagic’s new fifth-generation color science, support for dual card recording and support for the new URSA Mini Pro 12K. In addition to general performance and stability improvements, this second beta also adds support for Blackmagic RAW 2.0 on Windows computers.

To accompany the Blackmagic RAW 2.0 update, Blackmagic has also released the second beta of its DaVinci Resolve 16.3 and DaVinci Resolve 16.3 Studio programs. For those unfamiliar, the non-Studio version of DaVinci Resolve is free to use, but limits project mastering and output to Ultra HD (UHD 4K) resolution or lower, and doesn’t offer additional support for multiple GPUs, advanced editing tools and more.

The highlighted area on this page contains the download links for the latest updates.

You can find both macOS and Windows downloads for DaVinci Resolve 16.3 Beta 2, DaVinci Resolve 16.3 Studio Beta 2 and Blackmagic RAW 2.0 Beta 2 on Blackmagic Design’s support page, halfway down on the left-hand side, under the section labeled ‘Latest Downloads.’

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Nikon releases beta Webcam Utility for Windows with support for select DSLR, mirrorless cameras

08 Aug

Today, Nikon has announced the release of a beta version of its Webcam Utility software for numerous Nikon DSLR and Z series mirrorless cameras.

Similar to the webcam utility software released by Canon, Nikon and others, Nikon’s Webcam Utility makes it possible to use the live view from your camera as a webcam feed for use with video conferencing programs such as Skype and Zoom, as well as livestreaming production programs such as OBS Studio.

For now, Nikon’s Webcam Utility is available only for computers running 64-bit versions of Windows 10. Below are the Nikon DSLR and mirrorless cameras currently supported:

  • Z7
  • Z6
  • Z5
  • Z50
  • D6
  • D850
  • D780
  • D500
  • D7500
  • D5600

Being this is a beta (version 0.9.0 — not even a version 1.0 product), don’t be surprised if you come across a bug every once in a while. You can find out more information and download the beta Webcam Utility for free from Nikon’s website.

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Olympus releases Windows 10 webcam utility beta for five of its OM-D cameras

02 Jul

In addition to its new lens and updated roadmap, Olympus has also released OM-D Webcam Beta, a utility program for Windows 10 computers that turns compatible Olympus OM-D cameras into webcams.

Following in the footsteps of Canon and Fujifilm, this new utility works on Windows 10 computers (both 32 bit and 64 bit) and is compatible with five Olympus OM-D cameras: the E-M1X, E-M1, E-M1 Mark II, E-M1 Mark III and the E-M5 Mark II. As with similar utilities, the process is as simple as downloading the free software, plugging in an OM-D camera via the appropriate USB cable and turning the camera on.

Once all of this is finished, the plugged-in camera should be available as an image input option in video conferencing software such as Skype and Zoom.

This is a beta, so keep that in mind if you come across any bugs or issues. You can find the download link and further instructions on Olympus’ support page.

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