Timber Transformations: 13 Space-Expanding Wood Interior Inserts

10 Nov

[ By Steph in Design & Fixtures & Interiors. ]

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Customized to each particular interior, these wooden built-ins add lofted bedrooms, closet space, bookshelves, reading nooks, hidden laundry rooms and elevated workspaces in incredibly compact packages. Often performing like massively oversized furniture, custom timber creations can help make tiny apartments livable, taking full advantage of vertical space.

Bookcase Loft
wood bult in bookcase loft

A loft living room gets the addition of a library-style bookcase, closet, lofted wardrobe space, stairs and a small bedroom. Made of heartwood pine, the box insert measuring 16x17x10 takes full advantage of the ceiling height in the space.

Cabin in a Brooklyn Loft
wood built in cabin loft

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A loft in Brooklyn gets a fun and functional new bedroom space reminiscent of a rustic cabin in the woods, creating a private room that also adds architectural interest to the space.

Garage to Studio Transformation
wood built in garage studio

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A garage in Moscow is now a studio space for an architecture student thanks to the addition of a bunch of built-in wooden elements, including a grid shelving system, work desk, sofa and suspended loft bed.

Sculptural Laser-Cut Shelving
wood built in laser cut

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Far more visually interesting than the average bookcase, this laser-cut built-in wall of shelves continues onto the ceiling in a single flowing form to become a sculptural focal point.

Multi-Level Artist Retreat
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This artist-in-residence project at department store de Bijenkorf in Amsterdam fills the uniquely tall space of a historic tower with a beautiful series of stacked rooms decked out with cabinets, tables and bed platforms.

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Timber Transformations 13 Space Expanding Wood Interior Inserts

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[ By Steph in Design & Fixtures & Interiors. ]

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