Posts Tagged ‘Wood’

Video: mesmerizing stop motion film of raw wood being shaved away layer-by-layer

22 Jun

Photographer and animator Brett Foxwell teamed up with friend and musician Conor Grebel to create something awesome. Together, they painstakingly milled their way through several pieces of wood, layer by layer, capturing one frame of video at a time to create a stop motion film they’re calling WoodSwimmer.

As you can imagine, the process of actually capturing this film was incredibly time-consuming, and at times grueling.

‘[The final video] involved endless hours of shooting, cutting, and prepping for each frame,’ Brett tells DPReview. ‘Which involved either clearing all the wood chips away or keeping them looking consistent and pretty, and finally applying wood oil to the sample for each frame.’

You can see the mess this process created in some behind the scenes images Brett shared with us. Unfortunately, he only captured a couple of these BTS shots, because, in his words, ‘It was just such a grueling process that I never got around to getting proper documentation of the process.’

Regarding gear, Brett tells us he used a Canon EOS 60D with Tamron 90mm macro lens attached. This setup was tethered to DragonFrame, a stop-motion capture software that Brett says is “a great tethering application even if you’re not shooting specifically stop-motion.”

Tons of work and a nightmare to clean up, but well worth it when you get a load of the final product. Here are a couple of stills Brett sent our way:

Several stills from WoodSwimmer are available as prints from Brett’s website, and you can see more of his stop motion, nature photography, and other artistic work by following him on Instagram.

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Filling the Void: 25 Resin-Inlaid Wood Furniture Designs Become Whole Again

11 Apr

[ By SA Rogers in Design & Furniture & Decor. ]

When married with clear resin, voids in wood or stone created by years of use, natural burls, intentional damage and even shipworms are made whole again, while leaving their ‘wounds’ visible. Broken furniture is repaired with ghostly additions, splintery snapped boards are made smooth and literally ancient time-worn wood is preserved for posterity like insects caught in amber. The results not only salvage items though to be beyond repair, but also make them feel like museum-worthy artifacts.

Disappearing Furniture: Broken Pieces Healed with Resin

Pieces of furniture that seem broken beyond repair are proven salvageable after all, with their missing pieces seemingly made invisible. Tatiane Freitas created the series ‘My Old New chair’ using translucent acrylic, the new elements matching the scale of the older pieces but not the style. The results intentionally leave the ‘wounds’ of the old furniture visible and highly noticeable, as if the acrylic is a ghost of what once was or a hint at what it could evolve into.

Broken Board Series by Jack Craig

Smashed and reconstituted pine wood gets a whole new purpose – and surface – thanks to Detroit-based industrial designer Jack Craig, who seals them with caramelized resin for his ‘Broken Board Series.’ The splintered ends of the wood are visible through the resin for an interesting textural effect.

Forest Artifacts by Alcarol

Design duo Alcarol creates ‘forest artifacts’ by pairing wood and resin in various designs, from an irregular wooden bench made sharply rectilinear to ‘fisheye stools,’ the latter of which features timber poles salvaged from the foundations of the city of Venice. The poles, the designers explain, were “driven into the lagoon’s caranto layer – a mixture of solid clay and sand situated at great depths. In spite of everything, Venice continues its fight against the muddy ground and ever increasing water levels. Fish Eye, which is sculpted by water, salt, shipworms and time, is a tribute to this epic submarine struggle that has transcended millennia. During their stay in the Laguna, these Oak logs are deeply sculpted by Teredo Navalis, shipworms that leave traces of their passing on the wooden surface producing striking patterns of circular holes, whilst avoiding the inner core of the log, allowing it to maintain its health and strength. This creates a beautiful contrast between other decay and inner robustness.”

MANUFRACT Furniture Inspired by Self-Healing Trees

The MANUFRACT series of furniture by Marcel Dunger mimics the way trees heal themselves by releasing resin into their ‘wounds.’ The hand-crafted furniture is made of broken wood patched with tinted resin in a manner reminiscent of kintsugi, the Japanese art of repairing a broken piece of pottery with gold.

VOLIS by Atelier Insolite

The ‘VOLIS’ series by Atelier Insolite embeds objects with resin, including shelves, side tables, coffee tables, consoles and other furniture items. The designers intentionally seek out wood with natural voids and broken-off elements so they can fill in the spaces with blue-tinted resin, giving the finished pieces an oceanic feel.

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Filling The Void 25 Resin Inlaid Wood Stone Furniture Designs

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Wild Wood: 28 Temporarily Tamed Tree-Based Designs Branch Out

29 Mar

[ By SA Rogers in Design & Furniture & Decor. ]

pontus willfors main

Trees seem to temporarily allow humans to form them into a new shape and give them a different purpose before reclaiming their wild nature and going on with their tree-business in these wild wood designs. Taking a modern approach to branch-based furniture, decor and sculpture, they celebrate the natural qualities of the materials, allowing them to shine in a way that makes them feel truly alive.

Spaghetti Benches by Pablo Reinoso

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The slats of a wooden bench just keep growing as if they’re still alive, tangling together and climbing up walls, in Pablo Reinoso’s ‘Spaghetti Bench’ series. It’s almost like the tree the wood came from allowed itself to serve a purpose as seating only temporarily, and then decided to go about its life. The artist extends the same technique to other objects, like picture frames.

Fusion Frames by Darryl Cox

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fusion frames

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These hybrid frames by Oregon-based artist Darryl Cox start out as two separate objects – the reclaimed roots of manzanita, aspen and juniper trees, and a carefully matched picture frame. The artist carefully matches the tone and texture of the two objects and painstakingly blends them together with carving tools and paint. Look closely and you’ll find that the seams are virtually undetectable.

Sprouting Furniture by Pontus Willfors

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The temporarily tamed wood that’s been crafted into chairs and other functional items starts to rebel before you can even sit down in this series by artist Pontus Willfors. It’s almost as if the trees have decided they have no patience for human attempts to turn them into something unnatural.

Fallen Tree Bench by Benjamin Graindorge

fallen tree bench

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This bench by Benjamin Graindorge can’t hide its origins, the smooth surface giving way to stripped branches and then bark. ‘Fallen Tree Bench ‘ is fully supported on one side by a tangle of branches as if we caught it in mid-morph.

Driftwood Coffee Table & Side Table by Bernardo Urbina

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Designer Bernardo Urbina blends unexpected upcycled materials together into minimalist tables and other objects. For these two tables, he chose wrap Traviesa and Tugas wood around a black folded metal base.

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Wild Wood 28 Temporarily Tamed Tree Based Designs Branch Out

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Japanese Joinery: Captivating Gifs Reveal Ancient Secrets of Wood Assembly

25 Jan

[ By WebUrbanist in Design & Furniture & Decor. ]


Before screws, nails, glue and other fasteners, joinery was a matter of complex interlocking forms that shaped not only the structure but also the aesthetic of what was built.


For generations, Japanese wood craftsmen and their carpentry guilds were known to carefully protect trade secrets of their construction techniques. Even as the approaches found visual representation in print publications, it was often hard to visualize how they worked.

These animated 3D representations communicate the inner workings of these traditional techniques in a way that no static rendering or model could hope to do, depicting them in motion through the assembly process.

Created by a Japanese fan of woodworking, they were made using Fusion360 and derived from historical documents and precedents. He has so far posted dozens of these joinery techniques, many of them highly complex (featuring multiple interlocking parts, twists and turns).

While modern-day technologies have replaced historical joints in most everyday applications, they could also be positioned to bring them back into play — with 3D-printing devices readily available, the sophisticated cutting that used to be done by hand can be done by machine.

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Invisible Repairs: Artist Fixes Broken Wood Furniture Using Clear Infill

24 Dec

[ By WebUrbanist in Art & Sculpture & Craft. ]


Wooden furniture remnants stand out clearly against their subtle replacement parts in this series of artistic chair and bed repairs. Translucent acrylic fills in the gaps of these pieces, parts of My New Old Chair and Dear Bed collections by artist Tatiane Freitas. Mirroring the construction methods used for the two materials, the missing lathe-spun wooden parts are replaced by simplified acrylic geometries.



The approach follows a certain vein of old-versus-new expressionism also found in fields of design and architecture — added elements are clearly distinguished from existing ones in order to make the time period differences legible at a glance.



As with repair-oriented designers, there is a functional component here as well: the old chairs are able to be useful again thanks to these careful interventions.



More about the artist: “In her day to day before graduating from Fashion school Tati Freitas was already looking into ways to create objects which could be both confortable and admired. Craft wood is her most common material, and that which gives her objects its forms, but she’s also been developing with more brute substances, like cement, and the sensible acrilic.”

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Invisible Solar: Panels Camouflaged as Wood, Clay, Stone & Concrete

21 Oct

[ By WebUrbanist in Design & Products & Packaging. ]


Overcoming the awkward aesthetic factor typically faced by home solar technology, these disguised panels look like ordinary building materials you would expect to spot along the sides, steps or roof of a house.


Dyaqua, an Italian company, has developed their Invisible Solar series to look like concrete bricks, slate shingles and wooden boards, allowing them to blend into ordinary built environments. A thin top layer mimics desired materials while allowing the sun’s rays through to the photovoltaic cells beneath.


From the company: “The Invisible Solar modules are composed of a non-toxic and recyclable polymeric compound, within which are incorporated the monocrystalline silicon cells. A special surface, opaque at the sight and transparent to the sun rays, covers the cells by hiding them without prevent their operation.”


Instead of adding semi-reflective, black-and-grey accents to a traditional wood or masonry structure, these fixtures are designed to fit any abode, historic or modern. The company has begun production with the Rooftile, which resembles a typical reddish-brown terracotta shingle.



From there, they aim to create blocks and boards that can be used on walls (cladding) or walkways (pavement) sure to please even the toughest community design standards boards. They are also built for strength and durability, able to “withstand high static load, tolerates chemical solvents and atmospheric agents.”

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Modular DIY Dome Kit: Flexible Connectors Join Geodesic Wood Structures

05 Oct

[ By WebUrbanist in Design & Products & Packaging. ]


Reducing complexity and difficulty for would-be geodesic dome builders, this series of connective ‘Hubs‘ makes it possible for do-it-yourself types and even kids to collaborate on creating stable architecture.



Connector rods are joined at a hub that acts as a ball joint. The connector ball screws into a piece of lumber then attaches to the node. A simple structure can use materials on hand to build a working dome in a matter of minutes, all assembled by just a few people.


Building geodesic domes from metal parts can be laborious and frustrating – each piece has to be perfectly bent to join the rest, and the resulting structure is extremely heavy. The Hubs system is much cheaper than buying (or bending) a conventional dome.




Chris Jordan and Mike Paisley started work on this system a few years ago and recently made it available for purchase after a successful round of crowdfunding brought it to market. Their hope is to make dome-building a more accessible, cheap and easy process for everyone.




While wood and plastic are technically more durable, this approach lends itself to organic settings, creating wood structures that look appropriate in backyard settings and for temporary purposes or as ersatz tree houses. It is also more adaptable: cutting different lengths of wood lets users scale their dome more easily than with metal or plastic. And it is more flexible, too: the joints can bend and give, as can the wood, making the construction more forgiving.

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3Doodler Pro: New 3D-Printing Pen Works with Nylon, Wood & Copper

21 Sep

[ By WebUrbanist in Gadgets & Geekery & Technology. ]

3doodler pen

A new model of 3D sculpture-drawing tool from WobbleWorks operates using extrusion like its predecessor, but has expanded to allow users to print with new materials like wood, copper, bronze, nylon and polycarbonate.

3d sculpture

Users can draw shapes in the air which solidify as the extruded materials cool to create complex works of art and design.

3d doodler

Each of the materials in the new range of offerings is combined with plastic to form a filament that can be heated and shaped as before. Now, however, these works can be modified post-production per the new material line (e.g. wood sanded or bronze polished).

3d model

The new device features dials to control temperature and speed as well as a fan for cooling materials as they are deployed for rapid setting. Housed in a carbon fiber shell, the device can be used to draw scale models, household decor, creative crafts and fun sculptures. The gadget also comes with a portable battery pack.

3d vase drawing

“When we started the 3Doodler journey back in 2013, we had world-leading architects telling us ‘I want to do this’,” said WobbleWorks co-founder and CEO Maxwell Bogue, referring to  “a quick wave of the pen in the air, with plastic solidifying in its wake. With new materials like polycarbonate, that dream is a reality.” In the future, technologies like this could be employed in medical and other fields as well.

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Wood Could: 12 Unlikely Timber-Based Transportation Designs

26 Apr

[ By Steph in Technology & Vehicles & Mods. ]

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Why stop at slapping a couple of ‘70s-style faux wood panels on the sides of your ride when you could be driving a car or motorcycle that’s made entirely from wood? Though it’s an unlikely material for this purpose, these 12 modes of transportation are made primarily from trees, including a Vespa, a three-seater bike, a floating Ferrari and a race car.

Toyota Setsuna Concept Vehicle
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Nearly every part of the Setsuna Roadster unveiled by Toyota at Milan Design Week 2016 is made of wood, with different varieties selected for different practical applications. 86 handmade panels of Japanese cedar make up the body, while birch was selected for the chassis and smooth castor aralia for the seats. Traditional Japanese joinery techniques like ‘okuriari’ and ‘kusabi’ are put to work so the pieces fit together without nails or screws.

“When we created the sestina, we envisaged a family pouring its love into it over generations so that the car gains an irreplaceable value. Continuous development is possible in the form of bonds between the car and the family, like the growth rings of a tree. To proceed with the development of a car utilizing the appeal of wood, we directly spoke with experts with wide-ranging knowledge, including carpenters specializing in temple and shine construction and ship’s carpenters.”

Three-Seater Wooden Motorcycle
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A Hungarian carpenter made this three-seater custom motorcycle entirely from pine, with handlebars made from the horns of Hungarian grey cattle. It’s fully functional and built around a ZIL 200cc engine and took six months to build. Despite the level of craftsmanship put into this rig, it’s built more for looks and reliability than for speed, topping out at 12 miles per hour.

Homemade Floating Wooden Ferrari
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Made completely out of pine, this replica of a Ferrari F50 is actually a boat. Artist Livio de Marchi wanted a Ferrari to call his own, but needed something more practical to get him around the canals of his home city of Venice, Italy – so this was his compromise. Completed in 2001, it’s been owned by Ripley’s Believe It Or Not! since 2009.

Half & Half Wood Car
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wood transit half and half car

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Half retro convertible, half modern Cadillac, this bizarre wooden car made by Ukrainian Vasily Lazarenko is built on a chassis and engine from a 1981 Opel model with a 100 HP engine. It’s not registered, but seems like it would be street legal. The custom creation went up for sale on eBay in 2012 for $ 120,000, though it’s unclear whether anyone ever bought it.

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Wood Could 12 Unlikely Timber Transportation Designs

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Form Follows Treehouse: Tiny Green Canopy Home Tops Wood Trunk

12 Dec

[ By WebUrbanist in Architecture & Houses & Residential. ]

living tree building

Wrapped in living greenery, the upper story of this solar-powered, tree-shaped dwelling branches outward, set upon a wooden framework supporting it from below.

tree trunk shape house

Designed by Elevate Structure Inc. in Hawaii (photos by Corey Lum for Civil Beat), the 40-square-foot-base expands upward to a 400-square-foot second floor above, overhanging to provide shade for outdoor uses (patios or parking) underneath.

tree house interiors

Eco-friendly features include living and breathing exterior walls that can also be used to grow edible produce, self-sufficient solar power generation via side and top panels and rainwater storage and collection (up to 1,500 gallons).

tree house shape

The modular structure was originally designed as an easy-to-ship, simple-to-build and off-the-grid solution for remote parts of Oahu, but the target has since been expanded due to broader public interest.

tree house living walls

While they work wonderfully as elevated homes, the units can also be used for other purposes, including small stores, cafes, offices, gyms and/or storage spaces.

From its creators: “Inspired by Hawaii’s natural beauty, Elevate founders Tiffany and Nathan set out to create these innovative structures to help care for the environment and help people. The pressure of existing global issues – insufficient water availability in areas, poor air and water quality in others, and high energy consumption are exacerbated by the increasing population density and demands of urban environments – combined with their streak of entrepreneurship brought the Elevate unit to life.”

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