Candy Carpets and Chocolate Skulls: 13 Edible Designs

29 Jan

[ By Steph in Art & Sculpture & Craft. ]

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Would you walk up to a gallery wall made entirely of sweet-smelling dark chocolate and lick it, Willy Wonka style? These 13 (more!) edible art creations use colorful candies, tomatoes, croissants, Kool-Aid, Jello and other food items to build everything from recreations of Mondrian paintings to massive carpets stretching across entire city blocks.

Candy Carpet in Chengdu, China

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The ‘Sweet as One‘ exhibition in Chengdu, China took up nearly 14,000 square feet with a colorful expanse of candy measuring 607 feet long by 23 feet wide. 2,000 volunteers spent five days hand-pouring 13 tons of sweets into smalls quarries to create a quilt-like patterned artwork filled with flowers and panda bear faces.

Edible Chocolate LEGO Bricks

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Precise molds make it possible to create and stack tiny chocolate LEGO bricks into whatever you can dream up in this fun project by illustrator and designer Akihiro Mizuuchi.

Edible Furniture by Lanzavecchia and Wai



Edible elements like hard candy, coffee, chocolate and grains create table and chair surfaces on top of metal support structures in a series of four conceptual designs by Studio Lanzavecchia + Wai. “The domestic landscape reflects our culture, our taste and our habits,” say the designers. “The objects that populate it absorb the atmosphere that pervades the space through their physicality, functionality and identity. Ostensibly living intact through good times and also adverse ones,t he domestic objects become invisible to us over time with their familiarity. How can furniture react to times of crisis? The decorative elements that were once appreciated, suddenly become superfluous and should evolve to reflect a new era of austerity; the objects become edible and offer themselves to be consumed when needed.”

Edible Versions of Art Masterpieces

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The Art Fund challenged art lovers and designers to recreate famous artworks using edible materials, like a Mondrian-inspired slice of cake and a marshmallow treat version of Jackson Pollock’s ‘Autumn Rhythm (No. 30).’ Say the coordinators, “We’re hoping to inspire people, through the medium of food, to raise money for our national museums and galleries. What could be more fun than recreating your favorite work of art out of simple ingredients you have in your fridge – which you can then eat!”

Brunch-Based Cityscapes

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Brunch City is a collaboration between illustrator Bea Crespo and photographer Andrea G. Portoles, using food as a medium to create architectural landscapes relating to the culture and character of particular cities. The series depicts Barcelona, Athens, Paris, Tokyo, London, Rome and more.

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Candy Carpets And Chocolate Skulls 13 Edible Designs

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[ By Steph in Art & Sculpture & Craft. ]

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