Posts Tagged ‘candy’

Street Candy Film announces new MTN100 black and white 35mm film

05 Mar

Street Candy Film writes that they make ‘the tastiest black and white films around.’ It offers even more black and white film now with the addition of Street Candy Film MTN100 to its catalog, joining its previous film, ATM400.

MTN100 is a black and white ISO 100 film. The film is taken from a Motion Picture Film and promises to take your ‘black and white photography to the next level with a classic cinematic look and fine details.’ MTN100 is a panchromatic film ideal for outdoor and indoor photography. You can process it as a normal black and white negative or with a reversal kit to create direct positives.

Click to enlarge

Street Candy writes that MTN100’s primary features are beautiful contrast, fine grain and rich details. It comes as a 36-exposure 35mm roll in Street Candy’s recycled paper film canister. Regarding the canister, Street Candy Film introduced the first alternative to plastic film canisters in 2020. The canister is made of recycled cardboard and is printed with soy ink.

Street Candy Film MTN100 is available for preorder now. It is available in small quantities ahead of its April release. The minimum required purchase is two rolls, which costs 21€. For ordering information, click here.

Image shot using Street Candy MTN100. Click to enlarge.

Although not new, it’s worth doing a quick rundown of Street Candy’s ATM400 film. The panchromatic black and white negative film was originally coated for use in security surveillance cameras. It was used in banks, ATMs, offices and other places in need of security before digital surveillance became commonplace. Street Candy states that the ISO 400 film is easy to shoot, forgiving and delivers ‘beautiful contrast while retaining rich details throughout its wide dynamic range.’ ATM400 starts at 19€ and comes in 36-exposure 35mm rolls, which like the MTN100, are hand-rolled.

Street Candy ATM400 key features. Click to enlarge.

If you’d like to check out images shot by photographers using Street Candy Film, the company hosts an online gallery. To see the companies other product offerings, including merchandise for analog photography fans, click here.

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Culinary Arts: Rock Candy Geodes Hidden Inside Huge Chocolate Shells

13 Apr

[ By WebUrbanist in Art & Sculpture & Craft. ]

Just like the dull rocks that often reveal geode formations in nature, one would not expect to find such a sweet surprise inside what look a bit like giant Easter eggs (or perhaps dinosaur droppings).

As a final thesis project for the Culinary Institute of America in New York, Alex Yeatts and Abby Lee Wilcox spent months crafting these monstrous treats.

After 6 months of hard work @alex.yeatts and I cracked open our chocolate geodes!!! I am so thankful to have had this experience. #proud2bcia #chocolate #geode #foodart #chefstalk #candy #bakerylife #confectionery #foodie #foodporn #cny #pastry #buzzfeast #geodecake

A post shared by Abby Lee Wilcox (@abbyleewilcox) on

Orange-red and purple crystals inside look remarkably natural, particularly the latter (resembling typical amethysts). While hardly healthy, one could imagine subsisting on these gigantic desserts indefinitely.

In a similar vein (treats imitating nature), the “flower cakes” (and cupcakes) of Iven Kawi are stunning works of culinary art, so lifelike one could imagine being pricked by the needles on cacti or grind one’s teeth on the sandy landscapes (via Colossal).

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So Long, Suckers: 11 Closed & Abandoned Candy Stores

28 Dec

[ By Steve in Abandoned Places & Architecture. ]

When it comes to abandoned candy stores like these 11 examples, sweet has turned to sour quicker than toothache sufferers turn to their dentists.


Whipsawed by the varying vicissitudes of a changing retail culture, macroeconomic trends and good old urban blight, traditional Mom & Pop candy stores are circling the drain and nobody’s standing by with a plug. Flickr user Bartosz Brzezinski (JohnnyGotHisGun) captured the sour state of one such example – the long-abandoned K&M Candy Store in Detroit’s McDougall-Hunt neighborhood – on December 30th of 2013.

ReSCue Me


Remember the days when stores thought they’d last forever and thus spent lavishly on brand-specific frontages? Maybe Flickr user JJ’s (My Blue Dragon) shot of the abandoned Russell Stover Candies (“RSC”) store on Linwood Blvd in Kansas City, MO will jog some memories – if not a few fillings. Ironically, the KC Royal Blue & White tiled facade has held up remarkably well, which is much more than we can say about the store itself.




Contrary to any and all expectations, LA Greens Candy Store is neither green nor is it located in Los Angeles – 5477 Chene St. in Detroit, MI is where the abandoned store can be found. It also doesn’t sell candy anymore. The windowless and unoccupied (at least, not officially) building was snapped by Flickr users Gary Tucker and Modesto Speed (ClevelandSGS) on July 24th, 2013 and March 17th, 2002 respectively.

Candy, Tickets and… Things


Methings the 100th St Candy Store in the heart of Manhattan’s East Harlem shoulda maybe stuck to its core competence… that being Candy. Kudos to Flicker user Jake Silby for snapping this shot of the abandoned store’s all-inclusive sign on November 28th, 2011.

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So Long Suckers 11 Closed Abandoned Candy Stores

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Candy Carpets and Chocolate Skulls: 13 Edible Designs

29 Jan

[ By Steph in Art & Sculpture & Craft. ]

edible chocolate lego 3

Would you walk up to a gallery wall made entirely of sweet-smelling dark chocolate and lick it, Willy Wonka style? These 13 (more!) edible art creations use colorful candies, tomatoes, croissants, Kool-Aid, Jello and other food items to build everything from recreations of Mondrian paintings to massive carpets stretching across entire city blocks.

Candy Carpet in Chengdu, China

edible art candy carpet 1

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The ‘Sweet as One‘ exhibition in Chengdu, China took up nearly 14,000 square feet with a colorful expanse of candy measuring 607 feet long by 23 feet wide. 2,000 volunteers spent five days hand-pouring 13 tons of sweets into smalls quarries to create a quilt-like patterned artwork filled with flowers and panda bear faces.

Edible Chocolate LEGO Bricks

edible chocolate lego

edible chocolate lego 3

Precise molds make it possible to create and stack tiny chocolate LEGO bricks into whatever you can dream up in this fun project by illustrator and designer Akihiro Mizuuchi.

Edible Furniture by Lanzavecchia and Wai



Edible elements like hard candy, coffee, chocolate and grains create table and chair surfaces on top of metal support structures in a series of four conceptual designs by Studio Lanzavecchia + Wai. “The domestic landscape reflects our culture, our taste and our habits,” say the designers. “The objects that populate it absorb the atmosphere that pervades the space through their physicality, functionality and identity. Ostensibly living intact through good times and also adverse ones,t he domestic objects become invisible to us over time with their familiarity. How can furniture react to times of crisis? The decorative elements that were once appreciated, suddenly become superfluous and should evolve to reflect a new era of austerity; the objects become edible and offer themselves to be consumed when needed.”

Edible Versions of Art Masterpieces

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The Art Fund challenged art lovers and designers to recreate famous artworks using edible materials, like a Mondrian-inspired slice of cake and a marshmallow treat version of Jackson Pollock’s ‘Autumn Rhythm (No. 30).’ Say the coordinators, “We’re hoping to inspire people, through the medium of food, to raise money for our national museums and galleries. What could be more fun than recreating your favorite work of art out of simple ingredients you have in your fridge – which you can then eat!”

Brunch-Based Cityscapes

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Brunch City is a collaboration between illustrator Bea Crespo and photographer Andrea G. Portoles, using food as a medium to create architectural landscapes relating to the culture and character of particular cities. The series depicts Barcelona, Athens, Paris, Tokyo, London, Rome and more.

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Candy Carpets And Chocolate Skulls 13 Edible Designs

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Candy Corn-ucopia! 9 Sick Sweet Seasonal Snack Spinoffs

13 Oct

[ By Steve in Design & Products & Packaging. ]

candy corn flavored foods snacks
Ahh, Candy Corn… we can’t seem to get enough of it or get rid of it fast enough. Take (or give) these 9 pancreas-pulverizing variations on a sugary theme.

Archer Farms Candy Corn Coffee

Archer Farms candy corn coffee(image via: Yankee Candle Sisters)

Did you know that for a limited time only, you can enjoy “the sweet, fun flavor of your favorite Halloween treat” piping hot in your favorite mug as you dig into a plate of breakfast bacon & eggs or a bowl of Kellogg’s Candy Corn Pops, depending on your household? Yes indeed, friends and neighbors, Archer Farms Candy Corn light roast ground coffee adds a jolt of Halloween horror to your morning caffeine rush; it’s what we’d ALL be drinking if coffee was made & marketed by kids. Speaking of which, note the “Save The Children” logo/legend at the bottom of the bag… maybe rugrats really are running the show at Archer Farms.

M&Ms White Chocolate Candy Corn

M&M's White Chocolate Candy Corn(images via: Cre8tive Compass Magazine and Sean Weber’s SnackFixation)

Introduced in October of 2011, M&M’s White Chocolate Candy Corn promises a tantalizing mix of natural and artificial flavors (it says so right on the front of the bag) which begs the question: is the true flavor of candy corn natural or artificial? Maybe M&M’s is just covering all the angles because really, what else can you say about oversized white chocolate drops in orange, yellow and white candy shells?

M&M's White Chocolate Candy Corn(image via: Infinite Hollywood)

A sweet-toothed reviewer from Infinite Hollywood had a few things to say about M&M’s White Chocolate Candy Corn, none of them good. Newton, as he calls himself, soured on the concept before even biting into one – he’s peeved there are too few orange M&M’s in relation to the yellow and white ones. First world problems! Once he did bite the bullet, so to speak, Newton experienced a letdown of Great Pumpkin-esque proportions when he discovered the interiors of M&M’s White Chocolate Candy Corn, regardless of the color of their shells, tasted like run-of-the-mill white chocolate. Gee Newt, you say that like it’s a bad thing.

ACT II Candy Corn Popcorn

ACT II Candy Corn microwave popcorn(images via: X-Entertainment and Half-Assed Productions)

“I don’t see why people are taking the worst tasting Halloween Candy and making it into different products,” fumes Greg Muschong of Half-Assed Productions. A fed-up Muschong goes on to demand of everyone and no one in particular “Please, stop making candy corn products. Enough!!” Disparaging though he may be, Greg still took one for the team by microwaving and reviewing a mini-bag of ACT II Candy Corn Popcorn.

ACT II candy corn microwave popcorn(image via: X-Entertainment)

The verdict? According to Greg, “not horrible,” which seems to be the upper limit of praise when it comes to rating candy corn flavored foodstuffs. As Candy Corn Popcorn doesn’t appear in ACT II’s current online microwave popcorn lineup, Greg may have gotten his wish… at least as far as popcorn is concerned.

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Candy Corn Ucopia 9 Sick Sweet Seasonal Snack Spinoffs

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EOS Candy Pink circle lens & Dolly Wink No.3 natural girly

05 Oct

Just a closer look at EOS Candy Pink lens and Dolly Wink false lashes with how they look in natural light 🙂 For some reason the contrast on the pinks in this video looks more of a hot pink but its not that hot in person… sorry D: sorry the Vid is out of focus due to manual focusing also didnt use a tripod so it was jello-y,, was testing Vid on Nikon D90 ^^;; Disclaimer: This lens and lashes were sponsored by as a review proposes and was not paid to review this item 🙂 This lens link The false lashes link More review on this item on my blog Music credit: B. Joyce aka ” TOXICBEATS ”


3d candy bar!!! red and cyan

08 Aug this is a 3d video.put on red and cyan 3d glasses.this is recorded in anaglyph 3d.with 2 cameras this is me eating a crunch bar. then i wave the candy in front of you.try to take a bite (mmm).then i find some pretzels and i state thowing them at much more cheack out my 3d channel. ********** HURRY SUBSCRIBE******************* GET YOUR 3D GLASSES 3D WEBSITE VIEW 3D PICTURES LIKE ME!!! ON FACEBOOK *******************************************************


3d candy bar!!! red and cyan

14 Jul this is a 3d video.put on red and cyan 3d glasses.this is recorded in anaglyph 3d.with 2 cameras this is me eating a crunch bar. then i wave the candy in front of you.try to take a bite (mmm).then i find some pretzels and i state thowing them at much more cheack out my 3d channel. ********** HURRY SUBSCRIBE******************* GET YOUR 3D GLASSES 3D WEBSITE VIEW 3D PICTURES LIKE ME!!! ON FACEBOOK *******************************************************
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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