Modular Bright Idea: Colorful São Paulo Sidewalk Tea Shop

09 May

[ By WebUrbanist in Architecture & Offices & Commercial. ]

colorful storefront

A blend of fun, flexible, efficient and honest, The Gourmet Tea shop design in Brazil’s biggest city is both regional and universal, responding to everyday needs for opening and closing while also attractive to passerby pedestrians.

colorful modular street vendor

Designed by Alan Chu (images by Djan Chu), the storefront is a patchwork of brightly-colored squares and reflects the brand and its rich variety (35 flavors) of organic teas to be found within.

colorful sidewalk tea shop

But the patches are more than decorative – they unfold in various ways to reveal everything from the store’s signage to its purchasing counter and shelves full of wares.

colorful storefront closed configuration

Despite its apparent complexity, it is ultimately built of inexpensive plywood and folds down into a space-saving box in a few simple steps, making it a cost-effective solution for street-side vending.

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[ By WebUrbanist in Architecture & Offices & Commercial. ]

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