Hunt, Peck & Paint: Chromatic Typewriter Prints Landscapes

11 Mar

[ By WebUrbanist in Technology & Vintage & Retro. ]

chromatic typewriter

Many works of amazing literary art have been printed on typewriters in times past, but this re-purposing takes an old machine beyond words and into the realm of colorful painting.

chromatic upcycled landscape printer

Tyree Callahan has recycled (or upcycled, perhaps) a classic 1937 Underwood typewriter by replacing letters with sponges soaked across the spectrum with bright yellows, reds, blues and combinations thereof.

chromatic abstract art prints

Based in the Seattle area of Washington, the artist writes of his environs: “I’m constantly amazed at the play of light through our moist air and over the varied landscape of the Pacific Northwest. I especially enjoy early morning light–that short interval of time just before the last of the fog burns off–and evening light, especially on humid evenings, when the atmosphere itself is aglow with evening’s hues. We live in an environment that can produce both vivid and somber landscapes, often both within an hour’s time.”

chromatic landscape printing machine

There is something so satisfying about the click-clack sounds of a traditional typewriter, translating the mechanical motions of your fingers into physical results on the page in front of you – but imagine making those impressions in vivid colors instead of black on white. Sounds relaxing, hopefully literally.

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[ By WebUrbanist in Technology & Vintage & Retro. ]

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