Posts Tagged ‘Francisco’

san francisco street bmx group edit

02 Jan

bmx colab edit of used and unused footy from the last 5 months of local riders james precit, cornelio greer (me), matt hinton, shelby miller, and brett decker aka our crew sf shredders. cameras used panasonic dvx100, nikon d90, canon gl2, canon hv30, and iphone 4. edited by me (cornelio greer) enjoy!
Video Rating: 4 / 5


DEUS EX HOMINE – San Francisco 3D Moco Time-lapse by Golden Gate 3D (GG3D)

06 Nov

To view properly in 3D, hover over the 3D button in the bottom right corner of the video and select “Change Viewing Method…” Pick from several anaglyph (colored glasses) and stereo modes. Side-by-side works well for 3DTV’s. If your 3DTV doesn’t automatically detect the side-by-side input, go into the 3D menu and manually select it. HTML5 stereo view requires NVIDIA 3D Vision. NVIDIA has chosen “Deus Ex Homine” as “Best 3D Video of 2011 If you have NVIDIA 3D Vision, you can also view at NVIDIA’s 3D Vision Live, which offers a higher quality stream than YouTube: The full 2D 1920 x 1080p version and behind-the-scenes photos are available on Vimeo: “Deus Ex Homine” comes from Latin meaning “god built by humans.” That “god” might be the tools – our machines and technologies, the city – our caves of concrete and steel, and the networks – the highways and waterways that are the lifeblood of our cities. With our technology, we conquered and reshaped the natural world. As we have overrun our planet’s surface, more and more of us live in the fantastically complex artificial biomes that are our cities. Modern societies and economies depend on these constructs. Bridges and servers connect us, cars and planes move us, farms and restaurants feed us, and cargo ships and oil tankers make it all possible. The “Makers” among us forge machines – electromechanical gods – that reshape and govern humanity. Automobiles. Typewriters
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Car Ferry Converted into Hulking San Francisco Houseboat

18 Oct

[ By WebUrbanist in Architecture & Houses & Residential. ]

It truly is a hulk of a thing to make into a live/work space, but there is an industrial loft-like quality that renders this decommissioned Icelandic car carrier appealingly open yet cozy at the same time.

Its owners, occupants and redesigers Olle Lundberg and Mary Breuer (architects and fabricators by trade of ) looked into everything from tugboats to ships before finding this offbeat beauty and deciding to call it home.

It ‘only’ cost a few hundred thousand to buy, but multiple times that to make fully habitable as an abode and office. Among other expenses, they had to hire the crew to take it on a seven-week trip from Iceland, through the Panama Canal to dock in Mission Bay.

Their secondary residence, much like their primary, is weird and wonderful as well – an oddly-shaped cabin that combines a small original rural structure with their own custom additions and populated with leftover furniture commissioned but then not purchased by clients.

The pool, for instance, is a massive wooden water tank rescued from a farm property, patched up with wood from a local winery, then added to the exterior and filled with liquid (which initially smelt of red wine when swimming). Images via New York Times photographer Peter DaSilva.

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[ By WebUrbanist in Architecture & Houses & Residential. ]

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Occupy San Francisco

16 Oct

Occupy San Francisco

Thomas Hawk Digital Connection

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Cloud City – San Francisco, California

16 Oct

One aspect of San Francisco that has forever fascinated and inspired me is the fog. I suppose having lived most of my life in areas that lacked such dense fog adds to my appreciation of it. While many associate rain as being a cleansing phenomenon, I can’t help but think of fog in the same way. It shrouds what many may consider commonplace views and magically re-reveals them in dramatic fashion. If you’re lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time you can see the fog wash over some of San Francisco’s most impressive and well engineered structures making them look like toys. Fog illuminated by magic hour light at sunrise or sunset is an easy sight to have engrained in ones mind via an iconic photo, but for me the one aspect of the fog locked into my memory that can never be shared in a photo is its smell. The clean marine smell that comes with it is rejuvenating tactilely and visually. When I return home to the coast from the mountains and desert it is the fog that greets me stimulating every sense and lets me know I am home.

Cloud City – San Francisco, California

Photo Details:
Canon 5D Mark II, Canon 70-200mm f/2.8 II, ISO 400, 1/1250 sec, f/7.1

Copyright Jim M. Goldstein, All Rights Reserved

Cloud City – San Francisco, California

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JMG-Galleries – Jim M. Goldstein Photography

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Dusky Fog – San Francisco, California

13 Feb

Seeing that we’re about to end another week I thought a sunset / dusk photo might be in order. Pictured below is the north western section of San Francisco (Sea Cliff, Outer Richmond, the Golden Gate Park and Outer Sunset) as seen from the Marin Headlands on a mildly foggy evening at dusk. Note the solid horizontal band dividing the city lights is Golden Gate Park.

I should also note as we transition into the weekend that if you’re looking for some interesting reading or listening I was recently interviewed on the B&H Insights blog and on the Nik Radio podcast (click the 2/2/12 episode) [UPDATE: Info & Audio Link]. Speaking of Nik coincidently the image below was fine tuned with Nik’s Vivezia software.

Dusky Fog - San Francisco, California

Dusky Fog – San Francisco, California

Copyright Jim M. Goldstein, All Rights Reserved

Dusky Fog – San Francisco, California

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JMG-Galleries – Jim M. Goldstein Photography

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Lori Komejan at San Francisco Lion House

11 Oct

Every once in a while  I look back in my photo library and I stumble across something I’ve overlooked that ends up surprising me. Most of the time it’s a scenic photo as I highlighted in a past post Always Check Your Seconds. Last week though while conducting an image search for a client I stumbled across an image from 2004 of former San Francisco Zoo Keeper Lori Komejan at the Lion House. This particular image really caught me off guard. Why?

Lori Komejan suffered a horrible work place accident at the the San Francisco Zoo when a tiger was able to grab her arm and pull it through it’s cage. The accident happened during a public feeding with a large crowd present. She survived, but the news story behind it was horrifying. Knowing what happened to her and seeing this image that was taken 2 years prior to the accident in 2006 was haunting, especially seeing how closely positioned she was to the cage at the Lion House in this photo. Since the accident happened there have been extra safeguards put in place including an extra layer of metal bars with smaller openings added to the lower portion of the cage.

All in all a very eerie experience to discover this photo.

Have you ever discovered a surprising photo in your photo library? If so what was it?

Photographer in Front of a Yosemite Falls Reflection - Yosemite National Park, California

Photographer in Front of a Yosemite Falls Reflection – Yosemite National Park, California

Technorati Tags: photography, zoo, Lori Komejan, San Francisco, lion house, lion

Copyright Jim M. Goldstein, All Rights Reserved

Lori Komejan at San Francisco Lion House

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JMG-Galleries – Jim M. Goldstein Photography

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Rolling Clouds over San Francisco (Time-lapse)

07 Oct

One of the best places to take in the view of downtown San Francisco is Twin Peaks. Situated in the heart of San Francisco on a great day (like this one) you can see clear across the bay. I consider myself lucky as I live rather close to this great look out spot, but I don’t enjoy the view as often as I should. On the day I shot this time-lapse I opted to spend my lunch break here. It was time very well spent even if a little windy.

One last thing if you’re in San Francisco this weekend its Fleet Week and that means the Blue Angels will be flying over head. Be sure to check out my article 10 Essential Tips To Get Great Blue Angels Photos if you’re planning to photograph them this weekend..

Clouds billowing over downtown San Francisco, California

Technorati Tags: time-lapse, San Francisco, California, video, stock

Copyright Jim M. Goldstein, All Rights Reserved

Rolling Clouds over San Francisco (Time-lapse)

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JMG-Galleries – Jim M. Goldstein Photography

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Rocket Boat Pier 39 San Francisco by ULTIMATE YACHTSHOTS NIKON D90

27 Sep

Rocket Boat Pier 39 San Francisco by ULTIMATE YACHTSHOTS NIKON D90
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Nikon D90 movie how to: Follow the video to learn how to properly expose for a scene. – Put the camera at iso 200, 400, or 1600 or whichever is needed – Use a small aperture such as F8 – Use a lens with adjustable aperture – Press AE-L/AF-L hold before going to LiveView – Press LiveView, press OK to record, and then adjust the aperture manually until the exposure looks good. You should now have a much better exposed scene by following these steps.
Video Rating: 5 / 5