Dusky Fog – San Francisco, California

13 Feb

Seeing that we’re about to end another week I thought a sunset / dusk photo might be in order. Pictured below is the north western section of San Francisco (Sea Cliff, Outer Richmond, the Golden Gate Park and Outer Sunset) as seen from the Marin Headlands on a mildly foggy evening at dusk. Note the solid horizontal band dividing the city lights is Golden Gate Park.

I should also note as we transition into the weekend that if you’re looking for some interesting reading or listening I was recently interviewed on the B&H Insights blog and on the Nik Radio podcast (click the 2/2/12 episode) [UPDATE: Info & Audio Link]. Speaking of Nik coincidently the image below was fine tuned with Nik’s Vivezia software.

Dusky Fog - San Francisco, California

Dusky Fog – San Francisco, California

Copyright Jim M. Goldstein, All Rights Reserved

Dusky Fog – San Francisco, California

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