Cloud City – San Francisco, California

16 Oct

One aspect of San Francisco that has forever fascinated and inspired me is the fog. I suppose having lived most of my life in areas that lacked such dense fog adds to my appreciation of it. While many associate rain as being a cleansing phenomenon, I can’t help but think of fog in the same way. It shrouds what many may consider commonplace views and magically re-reveals them in dramatic fashion. If you’re lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time you can see the fog wash over some of San Francisco’s most impressive and well engineered structures making them look like toys. Fog illuminated by magic hour light at sunrise or sunset is an easy sight to have engrained in ones mind via an iconic photo, but for me the one aspect of the fog locked into my memory that can never be shared in a photo is its smell. The clean marine smell that comes with it is rejuvenating tactilely and visually. When I return home to the coast from the mountains and desert it is the fog that greets me stimulating every sense and lets me know I am home.

Cloud City – San Francisco, California

Photo Details:
Canon 5D Mark II, Canon 70-200mm f/2.8 II, ISO 400, 1/1250 sec, f/7.1

Copyright Jim M. Goldstein, All Rights Reserved

Cloud City – San Francisco, California

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