NJ Ghost Towns – The Bridge To NoWhere ! – Flatbrook River, Delaware Water Gap NJ

21 Dec

New Jersey Ghost Towns: Along the Delaware River are entire towns where the people were forced out by the government in the 60s because they were going to flood the towns and build a huge reservoir. This was known as the ‘Tocks River Project’ (there are numerous books on the subject). After this ‘forced evacuation’ two problems came up. The first was the Vietnam War which caused all funding to be diverted toward the war effort. The second, although not widely publicized, was the fact that the mountain that was supposed to support the proposed dam, didn’t have the right foundation to hold the water back as previously thought. As the genius of government decisions go, they tried to raise funds for the project by putting an ad in the local newspapers and renting out the abandoned houses. Well, you can imagine how those people felt who were forced out of their homes and lost everything to see ‘migrating hippies’ from New York City descending down on the area in droves. Hundreds squatted in these homes getting government checks to live there. One night, again, the government had the National Guard and State Police Agencies descend down upon the area to chase the squatters. Now, years later, you can see the remnants of these deserted houses and towns, now in the Federal Domain, but since the government is pretty much fund-less, what’s left of the houses, the towns and the surrounding land lie in limbo in a bunch of government red tape. In this video, check out the Bridge To
Video Rating: 3 / 5


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  1. memnoch4444atyahoo

    December 21, 2012 at 12:09 am

    What road is that on, I’d like to take a drive through there

  2. listenerfornow

    December 21, 2012 at 12:54 am

    there is a actual bridge to nowhere goving over that very same creek next to an abandoned house . Check it out in my video .

  3. triciatak

    December 21, 2012 at 1:39 am

    I am not really feeling that is a bridge to nowhere, I think it’s more like a water level reporting thing or something, i dunno.

  4. hogposh2

    December 21, 2012 at 1:58 am

    that is a stair case, a bridge to nowhere should lead off a cliff where all people who believe in weird nj belong

  5. Jerrold Lewis

    December 21, 2012 at 2:10 am

    IS that on Old Mine Road?

  6. normloman

    December 21, 2012 at 2:12 am

    I’ve been to Wallpack plenty of times. There are no ghosts. Maybe strange sounds from animals, hunters, or the river. And if you come to the place expecting ghosts, you’ll probably convince yourself you found some. but I’ve been in the Wallpack Cemetary for god’s sake. No danger.

    Visit the park sometime. It’s lovely.

    The history he gave in the video is spot on. I’ve done a lot of research on the town. Fascinating. That old bridge is now a water testing station.

  7. Luci57flavors

    December 21, 2012 at 2:44 am

    I don’t think you speak like a park ranger….are you really a park ranger?

  8. hypnosiscenternyc

    December 21, 2012 at 3:02 am

    I guess that’s a country version of ‘Lover’s Leap’ . Where unrequited lovers take their lives when their partner doesn’t have the same feelings. Unfortunately, that river is only a few feet deep. But it is kind of romantic thinking, at one point the area was thriving. People were using that staircase on a daily basis. Families lived there. And now, a concrete relic to the past. Makes one think, at the end of our lives, does it really matter? Will anyone remember a hundred years from now?