Natural Lighting Tips from Bob Holmes – Natural Light in Travel Photos

03 Nov Who better to get natural lighting tips from than a three-time Travel Photographer of the Year award-winner? We’re at the studio of photographer Bob Holmes for today’s Marc Silber Show – Advancing Your Photography! He shares some techniques you can use to work with natural light and take better photos, no matter where your travels may take you. Bob has been all over the world and his travel photos have appeared in National Geographic, Departures, and 46 books as the sole photographer. Working outdoors on most of his trips, Holmes is an expert at using natural lighting in photos. He loves looking at natural light, and his unique tip is that you need to picture light the way your camera sees it, rather than the way you see it. And the key to learning how to use natural lighting is to practice — you can’t become a great photographer in a week, but you will get there by shooting as much as you can.

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