“BIG BANG BIG BOOM: an unscientific point of view on the beginning and evolution of life … and how it could probably end. better video quality here: blublu.org direction and animation by BLU www.blublu.org production and distribution by ARTSH.it http sountrack by ANDREA MARTIGNONI sorry for the low video/audio quality, it is made for bigger screens and good speakers better resolution video here: many thanks to (in random order): xm24 bologna, csoa mezzacanaja, ericailcane, robert rebotti, andrea bagni, paper resistance, studiocromie, rifrazioni festival, sasso passo, sibe, festival de cine experimental de maldonado (uruguay), gianluigi toccafondo, orilo, maria de brea, bs as stencil, run don’t walk, franco fasoli, modo infoshop, pietro and icone festival, doma, cesare romani, popup festival and all the blu’s family
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Enjoy the beautiful French-made Spanish animation movie “En Tus Brazos” about how nothing can stop a tango dancing couple … not even fate. It abounds with creativity, sentiment and argentine tango. The greatest tango dancer of the 20’s is stuck in a wheelchair after a tragic accident. Thanks to his wife, he recovers the use of his legs, the time of one imaginary dance, ending entreating passionately “Don’t stop, hold me tight”. Directed by François-Xavier Goby fxgoby.free.fr Edouard Jouret and Matthieu Landour. France 2005. Presented on festivals in San Diego (Siggraph 2007, Award of Excellence), Annecy (France), Argentina (Mar del Plata), Poland (ReAnimacja), Auch (France), Miami (Romance), Spain (Animac), California (San Diego), Monaco (Imagina), France (Valenciennes), Bristol, Séoul and Paris. Original version on www.entusbrazos.fr Production: Supinfocom Valenciennes www.supinfocom.fr Distribution: Premium Films www.premium-films.com Music (first part): “En Tus Brazos” by Alfredo de Angelis and Oscar Larroca (vocal). Composition by Carlos Zárate. Lyric by Elizardo Martínez Vilas (Marvil). “Yo me cegué en tus ojazos y fui a caer en tus brazos. Y entre tus brazos yo fui feliz, porque te amé con delirio. Yo fui a caer en tus brazos y así llegué hasta el martirio. Te juro que enloquecí, cuando por dentro me vi, y comprendí lo que hacía. Quiero mirar hacia Dios, aunque me muerda el dolor, aunque me cueste morir” Music (final part): “El Huracán” by Edgardo Donato …
Video Rating: 4 / 5