Enabling View-Dependent Stereoscopic Projection

25 May

With this work we take a first step towards an ad-hoc stereoscopic projection within real environments. We show how view-dependent image-based and geometric warping, radiometric compensation, and multi-focal projection enable a view-dependent visualization on ordinary (geometric complex, colored and textured) surfaces within everyday environments. All these techniques are accomplished at interactive rates and on a per-pixel basis for multiple interplaying projectors. Special display configurations for immersive or semi-immersive VR/AR applications that require permanent and artificial projection canvases might become unnecessary. Such an approach does not only offer new possibilities for augmented reality and virtual reality, but also allows merging both technologies. This potentially gives some application domains — like architecture — the possibility to benefit from the conceptual overlaps of AR and VR. Special thanks to the Faculty of Architecture, Bauhaus-University Weimar for their support. Bimber, O., Wetzstein, G., Emmerling, A., and Nitschke, C. Enabling View-Dependent Stereoscopic Projection in Real Environments In proceedings of International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR’05), pp. 14-23, 2005

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