FREE RED BLUE 3D GLASSES FOR ALL SUBSCRIBERS! Visit for more details. Anaglyph red blue 3d glasses are needed to watch this 3d video. In order to view this anaglyph 3d video you need a pair of red and cyan 3d glasses cyan is a light blue. Red and blue 3d glasses will not give you the full stereoscopic 3d effect . This video was made by creating two videos one for the left eye and one for the right eye then merging them so each eye sees the correct 3d image through the red cyan 3d anaglyph glasses . The 3d anaglyph video shows a pair of 3d glasses floating inside a 3d Tomb Raider/Indiana Jones type environment.The word read Adventures in 3d. This video can be downloaded free and used by anyone in non commercial 3d video projects. Find out more at Get other FREE Stereoscopic 3D Birthday Cards, 3D Videos andother 3D goodies now from For more info on Enhanced Dimensions: Contact us on +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Stereoscopic 3D Channel on Vimeo The Stereoscopic 3D Channel TESTBED on Vimeo +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Built and tested in Adobe After Effects to be viewed with Red Cyan 3D Glasses (Red Blue 3D Glasses). A 3D Stereoscopic Production for Enhanced Dimensions by Andrew Murchie. This was not created with the minoru 3d webcam.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Assassins Creed (PC) A little walk in the lower city Graphics settings are not maxed out due to performance when recording. to watch with Red/Cyan anaglyph glasses Yellow/Blue “colorcode” version (superbowl inTru3D glasses) 3D is rendered with the iZ3D driver v1.10, works for both Ati and Nvidia graphics cards Full colour 3D version available for 3D monitors and 3DTVs at Meant-To-Be-Seen forums Meant To Be Seen : consumer driven stereo-3D advocacy group