[MODIFIED] Text Editors – Notepad Replacements – AkelPad Text Editor with Plugin Support including Text-To-Speech

27 Aug

AkelPad is a small open-source text editor for Windows that allows you to view four different parts of the same file simultaneously.

AkelPad is an open-source text editor for Windows that supports different newline formats (DOS/Windows, Mac, Unix), text case altering, and multi-level undo. The software can warn you if the currently-viewed file has been changed, allowing you to reload it. Through a “View” – ‘Split Window” option you can jump through four different parts of a text file simultaneously, useful for programmers who frequently need to look at different portions of the same source code.

Configuration options include altering the text file font and application color scheme. Hyperlinks can be made clickable and you can choose which types of hyperlinks are supported (http, mailto, etc). The program by default remembers up to 1,000 edits for multi-level undo; this number can be modified if needed due to usage requirements. The software remembers the last 10 files opened; this number can be increased, or eliminated for privacy. Configuration options can be stored in the Windows Registry or in an .INI file for portability….

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