Laowa opens pre-orders for new 17mm F1.8 MFT lens, set to ship later this month

21 Oct

Venus Optics has announced the Laowa 17mm F1.8 for Micro Four Thirds (MFT) camera systems is currently available to pre-order and will ship later this month.

The manual lens, which costs $ 149, is constructed of nine elements in seven groups, features a seven-blade aperture diaphragm, has a 15cm minimum focusing distance and a 46mm front filter thread. The 34mm full-frame-equivalent focal length offers a 65-degree angle of view and the lens weighs in at just 172g (6oz).

Venus Optics also notes the lens is ‘drone-friendly,’ due to the versatile MFT mount, lightweight design and its Frog Eye Coating (FEC), which allegedly repels water and dirt off the front lens element.

Below is a sample gallery of images Venus Optics has provided:

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You can pre-order the Laowa 17mm F1.8 MFT now on Laowa’s website for $ 149. The first units are expected to ship out in ‘late October,’ according to Laowa.

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