25 June, 2010 – Voigtlander Nokton 50mm f/1.1 – A Field Report By Nick Devlin

28 Aug

Back in the day – when ISO 400 was fast – high speed lenses were something to be lusted after. But now, with ISO 1600 delivering excellent quality, and some cameras capable of greater than ISO 100,000, they have lost their luster. Or have they?

For some the appeal of ultra-fast lenses is not so much their light gathering power, but rather their shallow depth of field. One of the fastest lenses currently available at affordable prices for the Leica M9 is the Voigtlander Nokton 50mm f/1.1.

Today Nick Devlin provides us with his field report on this lens, based on a shoot in Olympic National Park this past May.



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