Posts Tagged ‘f/1.1’

Canon May Produce an Unprecedented 50-80mm f/1.1 Lens

20 Aug

The post Canon May Produce an Unprecedented 50-80mm f/1.1 Lens appeared first on Digital Photography School. It was authored by Jaymes Dempsey.

Canon May Produce an Unprecedented 50-80mm f/1.1 Lens

Are you a Canon user?

If so, you’ll be happy to know that Canon continues to push the boundaries of camera gear innovation.

Because earlier this month, a Canon patent was published, one that detailed plans for a new lens: a 50-80mm f/1.1 zoom.

Yes, you read that right.

According to the Canon patent, the lens would have a fixed maximum aperture across its entire focal length range, maintaining its f/1.1 maximum aperture from 50mm to 80mm.

A fixed-aperture f/1.1 Canon lens would certainly make waves. None of Canon’s recent lenses have an f/1.1 aperture. The closest lens is the Canon 50mm f/1.2. So this lens will certainly appeal to those who enjoy unique equipment.

The f/1.1 aperture would be ideal for portrait photographers. The wide aperture would allow for stunning background bokeh. And it would also allow for photography in low light, which is perfect for those who shoot indoors or at night.

Plus, the 50-80mm focal length is great for portrait photography of any kind. At 50mm, portrait photographers can get some standard shots. At 80mm, you can go in for a tighter image.

Street photographers will also be a fan of 50-80mm, given how 50mm is often considered the fundamental street photography focal length.

A zoom lens such as this one would likely exist as part of Canon’s RF lineup, which is rumored to expand over the course of the next year.

Note that some patents never actually amount to anything. In other words, just because Canon patents the designs doesn’t mean that they will send the product to market. But it’s interesting to see Canon thinking about such incredible new equipment.

So keep your eyes peeled, Canon users.

And even if the Canon 50-80mm f/1.1 lens is never produced, it’s certainly piqued consumers’ imaginations!

Would you be interested in a lens like this one? What do you like and dislike about it? What would you use it for? Let me know in the comments!

The post Canon May Produce an Unprecedented 50-80mm f/1.1 Lens appeared first on Digital Photography School. It was authored by Jaymes Dempsey.

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Kamlan 50mm F1.1 II sample gallery

06 Jun

$ (document).ready(function() { SampleGalleryV2({“containerId”:”embeddedSampleGallery_8506720848″,”galleryId”:”8506720848″,”isEmbeddedWidget”:true,”selectedImageIndex”:0,”isMobile”:false}) });

Kamlan has just launched the second version of its 50mm F1.1 lens for cameras with APS-C sensors, and we’ve been able to shoot with a sample copy to get an idea of how it performs.

Designed with Fujifilm, Sony, Micro Four Thirds and EOS M mounts in mind, this all-metal lens is all-manual and offers plenty of background blur when you want it, at an equivalent focal length of 75mm on the Sony a6500 we tested it on.

To get more info on the Kamlan 50mm F1.1 II lens, including availability and pricing, check out their Kickstarter.

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7Artisans teases 50mm F1.0 lens, in case the 50mm F1.1 isn’t quite fast enough

18 Jul
Look closely on the 7Artisans website, and you’ll see an as-yet unannounced 50mm F1.0 lens front and center.

Chinese lens manufacturer 7Artisans made some waves two weeks ago when they quietly revealed four affordable and fast lenses for various mirrorless mounts. Those lenses are available on Amazon and eBay, but one lens is being shown off on the 7Artisans website that doesn’t appear anywhere else online: a super-fast 50mm F1.0.

Unfortunately, all we have is this photograph. The lens looks a lot like the company’s 50mm F1.1, but you can see that lens next to the F1.0 in the lineup, so it’s not some CGI typo. The lens diameter is even different—55mm vs 52mm for the F1.1.

No, this is its own lens, we just don’t know what mount it will be made for or, just as importantly, why the heck a company would choose to make both a 50mm F1.1 and 50mm F1.0—seems a bit silly. Here’s a close look at the lens:

Admittedly, the 50mm F1.1 lens announced a few weeks back is only available in Leica M mount. People would no doubt be thrilled by an equally affordable ($ 370 USD) lens available for the Sony E, Fuji X, or MFT mounts.

As soon as this lens becomes official or pops up on Amazon alongside the other 7Artisan lenses, we’ll let you know.

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SainSonic launches 50mm F1.1 lens for APS-C cameras

10 Jul

Chinese manufacturer SainSonic, which also makes an 8mm F3.0 fisheye prime lens as well as various floating music orbs and tabletop tube headphone amplifiers, has announced a new manual focus lens for APS-C cameras. It’s called the Kamlan 50mm F1.1 (!) lens and it’s currently offered in Sony E-Mount and Canon EOS M mounts, with a Fujifilm mount version coming soon.

The lens has a claimed 11 circular aperture blades (claimed, because if you were to count the blades in the above mockup, you’d wind up with 9), and a fairly pedestrian five elements in five groups, though there’s talk of high quality element coatings.

You can snag a Kamlan 50mm F1.1 today for the very reasonable price of $ 169.99 USD.

For more images and details regarding the lens, head on over to SainSonic. For some samples from the lens and comparative tests, check out Christopher Frost’s video review on YouTube:

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SLR Magic announces CINE 50mm F1.1

18 Nov

Hong Kong-based SLR Magic has announced a 50mm F1.1 CINE lens for Sony E mount. Planned for early December 2015 availability, the FE lens will cover a full-frame sensor. Read more

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25 June, 2010 – Voigtlander Nokton 50mm f/1.1 – A Field Report By Nick Devlin

28 Aug

Back in the day – when ISO 400 was fast – high speed lenses were something to be lusted after. But now, with ISO 1600 delivering excellent quality, and some cameras capable of greater than ISO 100,000, they have lost their luster. Or have they?

For some the appeal of ultra-fast lenses is not so much their light gathering power, but rather their shallow depth of field. One of the fastest lenses currently available at affordable prices for the Leica M9 is the Voigtlander Nokton 50mm f/1.1.

Today Nick Devlin provides us with his field report on this lens, based on a shoot in Olympic National Park this past May.



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