This Adobe quiz reveals what creative type you are

24 Apr

If you would describe yourself as a creative type and are into personality tests this fun little self-test that has been released by Adobe might just be what you needed to keep procrastinating for a little longer. In the Creative Types test you have to answer a series of slightly abstract questions in order to find out — you guessed it — what kind of creative type you are.

The 15 questions are binary and definitely a little quirky, for example ‘I tend to see life through the lens of systems or stories?’ or ‘Are you a ruler or a spring?’ Nevertheless your answers are used to compute a result which is one of eight creative types: the Artist, the Thinker, the Adventurer, the Maker, the Producer, the Dreamer, the Innovator, and the Visionary.

I am apparently a thinker, which means my creative strengths are ‘intellectual curiosity’ and an ‘ability to find and create meaning.’ My untapped potential is ‘bridging theory and practice” as well as “applying ideas in real life.’

I can’t deny I can see myself in some parts of the more detailed description of the thinker type, so even though this test is meant to be just a little bit of fun, there definitely seems to be some substance behind it. Head over to the Creative Types website if you would like to try the test yourself.

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