Video: Removing a stuck lens filter… with a band saw

29 Jun

What do you do when your cheap lens filter is so badly stuck on your very expensive Canon 24-70mm F2.8L II USM lens, that even a specially-designed filter wrench won’t get it off? If you are former MythBuster Adam Savage, you take that puppy to your band saw and scare the crap out of the lens owner.

That’s what he did for one of the latest videos on the Tested YouTube channel, when fellow host Norman Chan got yet another filter stuck (the second one in 6 months) on his $ 1,800 lens.

The footage is a bit terrifying for gear lovers, but have no fear: no lenses were hurt in the making of this video. What Savage does is cut two small notches into the rim of the lens filter, one on either side. Then, after expanding those notches with a file, he slots in a solid metal ruler and uses it to torque the filter clean off.

The moment of truth…

Watch the video up top to see the whole cringe-worthy process for yourself, and then send this video to the biggest Canon gear head on your mailing list. Nothing like a mild heart attack to really get you over that Wednesday hump…

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