Tetris House: Modular Structures are Made to be Stacked

18 Dec

[ By Steph in Architecture & Houses & Residential. ]

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Modular living units in a range of sizes can be stacked, spun and cantilevered over each other to create unique custom dwellings with views in every direction. The Tetris House makes it possible for homeowners to design their homes to their own specifications, from the size of each room to the orientation of the windows, and enables developers to create apartment complexes that can be easily expanded or reduced in size.

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Dutch design studio Universe Architecture offers three basic sizes of steel units that can be enhanced with balconies, shutters, glazing and rooftop terraces. Plug three or more units together in pretty much any configuration you can think of, orient some of them to face the sun or your desired view, and stick on some pop-up decks with glass railings to take it all in.

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The company teamed up with interior design firm i29 to create minimalist, compact and efficient interiors that can adapt to all the different possibilities in each building’s individual floorpan, adding interior walls, staircases, fireplaces and other basic elements. The prototype will soon be completed in the Netherlands, with plans to expand availability to other countries in the future.

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[ By Steph in Architecture & Houses & Residential. ]

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