Converted Crane: 150-Foot-Tall Dutch Hotel Spins in the Wind

19 Feb

[ By WebUrbanist in Boutique & Art Hotels & Travel. ]

a Faralda NDSM Crane Hotel Amsterdam

Featuring three suites toward its peak (and a spa pool to top it off), this boutique hotel is situated in one of the tallest and oldest maritime cranes in the world – and despite the steel frame weighing a whopping 250 tons, it still slowly rotates with the weather.

a Jacuzzi Top deck

a dutch hotel vup

After three years of rehabilitation, code approval and other obstacles (include the search for a 500-pound bomb left from a previous World War), this remarkable transformation is complete and rooms are now open for rent at the Faralda Crane Hotel.

a dutch historical use

a dutch crane lift

The lower part of the structure also features a conference, television and festival room that can be tied to renting out the rest of the spaces or used independently. If that isn’t exciting enough for you and your friends, guests can also bungee jump from the top of the crane as well.

a dutch restoration project

a dutch crane hoist

The rotational effects (top able to move independently of the bottom) are not to be underestimated, demanding a great deal of engineering ingenuity: “Because the Faralda Crane hotel keeps spinning in the wind it is fit with a rotating shaft and a pivot bearing with gold. In the drag link are the gold connectors to guarantee the Internet connection to the Amsterdam Fire Department. The genius and always turning piping system has been specially designed for this Crane.”

Next Page – Click Below to Read More:
Converted Crane Hotel 150 Foot Tall Resort Spins In The Wind

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[ By WebUrbanist in Boutique & Art Hotels & Travel. ]

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