The Hunt Trailer 3D

20 Jul

This is the trailer for ‘The Hunt’ by Marco Spitoni. It has been converted into stereoscopic 3D. The tutorial, showing how to perform this conversion, can be find on the ‘Stereoscopic 3D’ channel on YouTube. This clip is Copyright Macro Spitoni and was used with permission. The original clip as well as the full movie can be downloaded from
Video Rating: 5 / 5

For best viewing, watch the video full screen and in 480 pixelmode. To see the images in 3D, hold your head up straight (very important or the two images won’t line up properly), look at the vertical center line and cross your eyes. The 3D image will appear in the middle. If you don’t see the 3D picture right away, keep trying, it takes a bit of practice.
Video Rating: 5 / 5


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