Modular Micro-Pad: 85 Sq Ft Loft Full of Slide-Out Surprises

26 Nov

[ By WebUrbanist in Design & Fixtures & Interiors. ]

paris modular home tiny

Using a system of large sliding doors and functional-filled drawers to transform a maid’s quarters into a whole home, this small-footprint apartment in Paris gives a (much more positive) new meaning to the phrase ‘hole in the wall’.

paris micro apartment home

paris home shelves drawers

paris dining room set

Sleeping, cooking, eating, washing and storage are all packed into 8 square meters using a system of unfolding flat-pack furniture items, hidden spaces and dual-purpose built-ins, custom-designed by Kitoko Studio.

pairs kitchen sink window

paris kitchen smal lview

paris other angle view

Like a Swiss Army Knife writ large, many items serve more than one use, like a staircase for climbing up to bed that also has built-in shelves that tuck back into the wall.

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paris micro bathroom sink

The kitchenette and bathroom are as compact as can be, packing essential plumbing into the tightest spaces possible in order to maximize the still-limited open space at the center of the design.

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paris modular apartment design

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paris shelves drawers storage

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paris house plan diagram

paris view from above

paris house plan tiny

Bright white walls with minimal decor help the space feel lighter and more open despite its necessarily-cramped nature and odd wedge-shaped configuration.

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[ By WebUrbanist in Design & Fixtures & Interiors. ]

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