Cardboard Ferrari: Urban Art Installations by Benedetto

07 Aug

[ By Steph in Art & Street Art & Graffiti. ]

Benedetto Urban Art Installations Main

Ordinary cars become Ferraris with cardboard camouflage, campers stretch high into the sky and disused telephone booths transform into glowing sidewalk aquariums in fun urban art installations by artist Benedetto Bufalino. Aiming to transcend the mundane in city life, Bufalino repurposes existing objects in unexpected ways, creating head-scratching spectacles all over his home country of France.

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Benedetto Urban Art Installations 8

Witnessing one of these installations in person feels a bit like wandering onto the set of a surreal film, asking yourself whether you’re actually dreaming.

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Chickens cluck and scratch inside the back of a converted police coop, comfortable in their unconventional new home. Bathers lounge in a car-turned-Jacuzzi.

Benedetto Urban Art Installations 2

Passersby tug confusedly at the door handles of a classic red telephone booth, gazing at the goldfish inside as if they haven’t quite realized yet that they can’t step in and make a call.

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Teens perched on a massively oversized picnic table look as if they’ve been shrunk down to half their normal size.

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See lots more dreamlike urban art installations at Benedetto’s website.

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[ By Steph in Art & Street Art & Graffiti. ]

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