Posts Tagged ‘Ferrari’

Video: Ferrari sports cars, Formula 1 cars captured on-track with a Super 8 cameras from the 1960s

12 Mar

Nick Shirrell, a motorsport filmmaker known for using old school film cameras to capture auto races, recently received an invitation from Ferrari to travel to Italy and film a race using 50-year-old Super 8 cameras with 8mm film. The result is a 10-minute video featuring a retro production style and classic voiceover narration that recently went viral on the /r/Formula1 subreddit.

DPReview spoke with Shirrell to ask about his experience with Ferrari and the gear he used to capture the race, as well as the events that led up to this moment. The project wouldn’t have been possible without support from Reddit, according to Shirrell, who explained that his first Super 8 race video went viral on the /r/cars subreddit, resulting in articles from publications like Jalopnik and, eventually, a private message from Ferrari.

Following the initial video, Shirrell filmed an IndyCar video at Road America, which likewise was popular on Reddit and with automotive media. He explains:

‘Not long after the IndyCar video went viral, I got DM’d on my Instagram by Ferrari asking if I’d like to talk to them about doing some filming. Little did I know the phone call that would follow would be an invitation to Italy to make the great film released this week! Ferrari was amazing to work with and they made it clear they wanted no hand in the creative process or in the final content, they only wanted to enable me to create something amazing and give me the opportunity to do what I do with these films.’

Shirrell used a variety of gear to capture the race, including three Super8 cameras: a 1966 Canon 814, 1968 Canon 1218 and a 1971 Beaulieu 4008 ZM2 with Kodak Vision3 50D and 200T motion picture film stock. These models were joined by a RadioShack-brand Realistic 14-1029 handheld mini-cassette recorder featuring a Smith-Victor supercardiod condenser shotgun microphone.

Shirrell said his narrator Alan Baxter used a modern microphone to record the voiceover, which was later edited using software. As well, he relied on the natural lighting available at the filming locations. Shirrell explained:

‘For post-processing the voiceover audio, I use EQ and distortion filters within Adobe Premiere Pro to mimic the sound of an older microphone recording onto tape as accurately as I can. For ambient track sounds of V10s, Challenge cars, etc recorded onto mini-cassettes the old fashioned way I didn’t have to add any filtering.’

As for processing the film, he said:

‘I do develop my own 35mm and medium format still photos with C-41, E-6, and black and white chemicals, but for a professional project like for Ferrari I didn’t trust myself to not ruin the film on my first ever attempt at developing 8mm. 8mm is challenging to develop because it’s 50 feet long and very small and fiddly compared to a roll of 35mm or 120 film that is 4-6 feet in length.’

This isn’t the end for Shirrell, who has plans for other projects involving his retro equipment:

‘For what I want to shoot next, I’d love the opportunity to film Formula 1 if the opportunity presents itself, but I also have ideas for shooting drag racing, rally, and other motorsports.’

Shirrell’s work can be found on his YouTube account and on Instagram.

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Ferrari Designer Launches World’s Most Luxurious Sleeper Train in Japan

22 May

[ By WebUrbanist in Technology & Vehicles & Mods. ]

Public transit meets luxury transport in this elegant and open train design with rich interiors as well as copious windows for viewing the passing landscape.

The champagne-colored Shiki-Shima sleeper boasts aesthetics by Ken Kiyoyuki Okuyama, the automotive designer behind the Ferrari Enzo as well as Maserati Quattroporte. Inside, branching window frames are meant to conjure images of tree-lined forests.

Window geometries on the exterior reflect the different needs of interior spaces, from lovely common rooms and fancy dinner cars to split-level sleeping compartments.

The design is also distinctly Japanese, featuring traditional wood, paper and lacquer interiors with tatami mats and artistic techniques developed over centuries of history.

and brings the elegant physique of a supercar to public transport. with dome cars, large geometric windows and a plush sofas, a trip on the rain suite shiki-shima is comparable to a luxury cruise.

“Okuyama nods to japanese artisanal crafts with his use of bentwood—made by curving wood with steam—to frame the sofas and seating. Meanwhile, oriental carpet mills takes car of the design under foot, using their signature ornate carpets that can already be found in the Vatican palace and Kyoto state guest house. The train consists of 17 rooms in total, with two large suite rooms and 15 smaller ones. JR east, the rail operator behind the luxury masterpiece, seeks to provide ‘a high-grade space’ that is currently unseen in existing railway journeys.”

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Designer Sci-Fi: Ferrari Spaceship Takes Luxury Sky-High

12 May

[ By Steph in Conceptual & Futuristic & Technology. ]

ferrari spaceship 2

Given how far away we still are from personal spacecraft, perhaps it’s not surprising that most design concepts for extra-terrestrial ships haven’t evolved much in the last couple decades. Concerned more with practicalities (and budget constraints) than aesthetics, even NASA has stuck to the same-old same-old when it comes to spacecraft design, but a fun vision of the future from Ferrari’s design director gives us some hope.

ferrari spaceship 1

Known for incorporating Ferrari design sensibilities into all sorts of sketches, Flavio Manzoni doesn’t disappoint with his spaceship concept. Fluid and reflective, the ship is just as sleek as any of the real-life luxury cars that Manzoni has designed, including the LaFerrari supercar.

ferrari spaceship 4

The ship is divided into two shells by a signature red line, and two wings wrap around the lower section of the body.

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Unveiling the sketches and renderings at Form Trends, Manzoni says it started as just a bit of fun, inspired by his childhood living at the top of a six-story building and imagining a UFO landing on the rooftop terrace.

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“I tried to imagine something that can fly in the future, since there will be less and less space available on the ground,” says Manzoni. “And I focused on creating a little craft that’s different than my childhood dreamm, when I thought that a car of the future would slip on a cushion.”

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Cardboard Ferrari: Urban Art Installations by Benedetto

07 Aug

[ By Steph in Art & Street Art & Graffiti. ]

Benedetto Urban Art Installations Main

Ordinary cars become Ferraris with cardboard camouflage, campers stretch high into the sky and disused telephone booths transform into glowing sidewalk aquariums in fun urban art installations by artist Benedetto Bufalino. Aiming to transcend the mundane in city life, Bufalino repurposes existing objects in unexpected ways, creating head-scratching spectacles all over his home country of France.

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Benedetto Urban Art Installations 8

Witnessing one of these installations in person feels a bit like wandering onto the set of a surreal film, asking yourself whether you’re actually dreaming.

Benedetto Urban Art Installations 3 Benedetto Urban Art Installations 1

Chickens cluck and scratch inside the back of a converted police coop, comfortable in their unconventional new home. Bathers lounge in a car-turned-Jacuzzi.

Benedetto Urban Art Installations 2

Passersby tug confusedly at the door handles of a classic red telephone booth, gazing at the goldfish inside as if they haven’t quite realized yet that they can’t step in and make a call.

Benedetto Urban Art Installations 7

Teens perched on a massively oversized picnic table look as if they’ve been shrunk down to half their normal size.

Benedetto Urban Art Installations 9

See lots more dreamlike urban art installations at Benedetto’s website.

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[ By Steph in Art & Street Art & Graffiti. ]

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The Ferrari of Rail: Ultra-Luxurious Train Design for Japan

11 Jul

[ By Steph in Conceptual & Futuristic & Technology. ]

Luxury Ferrari Train 1

Japan is set to get a new luxury sleeper train with spacious modern cabins designed by Ken Okuyama, who’s best known for his work with Ferrari. The $ 50 million Cruise Train will run on both electric and non-electric rails and feature large glass-paneled windows, high ceilings and leather seating. Envisioned as the future of train travel in Japan, this designer creation won’t be for everyone: it’s got a max capacity of just 34 passengers.

Luxury Ferrari Train 2

Luxury Ferrari Train 3

Expected to lance in the spring of 2017, Cruise Train is essentially an upgrade of the ‘Seven Stars in Kyushu,’ a deluxe sleeping car excursion train that’s been in operation since late 2013. The new design appears to be far more open, stylized and modern than that of the Kyushu train, with Okuyama clearly taking a lot of inspiration from luxury personal vehicles.

Luxury Ferrari Train 4 Luxury Ferrari Train 5

The ten carriages of the Cruise Train will include two observation areas with glass walls so passengers can take in the views as the train passes through the countryside. A two-story deluxe suite car with two beds on the lower floor, a private bathroom and a lounge room upstairs will be available as well. There’s no word yet on just how much it’ll cost to experience the Ferrari of trains, but it’s safe to say that it won’t be a bargain.

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[ By Steph in Conceptual & Futuristic & Technology. ]

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Change the color of your Ferrari, or Hair Photoshop CS4 (No. 63)

17 Oct

Step in to the glamorous world of Adobe. All the staff Drive sports cars and this week we use Photoshop to change the color of Mikes Ferrari! As well as that we use the same technique to change the color of hair as well. Why not try out this technique to see if you would like a change of style before taking the plunge? Using CS4’s new Adjustments Panel and Hue Saturation we learn the quickest and easiest way to change colors.
Video Rating: 4 / 5