How To Email Optimized Pictures From Windows Vista

24 Jun

Most digital cameras capture your pictures at a size large enough for quality printing. But when sending pictures by email, it’s important to reduce the size of your pictures so they transfer faster and are more viewable on the recipients screen. Windows Vista has an automated function that will resize, optimize, and email a group of pictures without altering your originals.

  1. Open My Computer and navigate to the folder containing the pictures you wish to email.
  2. Select the group of files that you wish to email. Use Shift or Ctrl to select additional files.
  3. If the picture files are inside your Pictures folder, you should see an Email button at the top of the Window. Click this. If you do not have the Email button, right click and choose Send To > Mail Recipient. The Attach Files dialog box will appear.
  4. Choose a size for your pictures. The small option is suitable for most purposes and will give you the best reduction in file size. If you know your recipient has a fast Internet connection you may want to choose Medium or Large.
  5. Click Attach.
  6. A status bar appears as Windows resizes the files, then a new message is opened in your default mail program with your pictures attached.
  7. Windows inserts the file names into the subject field of the message. You will probably want to change this.
  8. Fill in the recipients email address, add a personal message, and you’re ready to send.
  1. Most images will be converted to the JPEG format for best compatibility.
  2. Some files types (such as PSD) cannot be converted by Windows. You should convert these yourself before emailing them as they can be quite large.
  3. Most Email providers have a maximum file size limit per message, usually around 10 MB. Try to limit the total size of all attachment to less than this when sending to recipients with a high speed connection.
  4. If your recipient is on a dial-up internet connection, limit your total attachment size to 1-2 MB or less.

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