Street Mural Turns Into an Animation as People Drive By

29 Jun

[ By Delana in Art & Street Art & Graffiti. ]

in between flipbook mural

Remember making hand-held flipbooks when you were a kid? Those cute little books that made primitive cartoons when you flipped through the pages quickly could amuse and entertain for hours. Recently, Argentinian street artist Hyuro brought that joyful amusement to Copenhagen on a long wall that many cars pass by every day.

copenhagen animated graffiti wall

deer mural copenhagen

In/between consists of 87 aluminum panels, each showing a piece of an animation. When seen all together from a moving car, the animation shows the short story of a deer running through a forest and then emerging. The animated mural is a classy, sophisticated piece of graffiti that the whole city gets to enjoy.

Hyuro and her helper painted the entire mural/animation by hand over the course of two weeks. Hyuro’s project was chosen in a competition held by artistic community ArtRebels, which drew submissions from artists all over the world.

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[ By Delana in Art & Street Art & Graffiti. ]

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