Sideways Street Art: Muralist Makes Figures Walk on Walls

15 May

[ By WebUrbanist in Art & Street Art & Graffiti. ]

wall walking mural figures

These layered creations are surprisingly realistic, even in black and white, thanks in part to their scale and reinforced by their shadows, but also due to the ordinary nature of the sidewalk scenes being depicted.

wall mural stencil art

Strøk (Anders Gjennestad) is a stencil artist and mural maker from Norway with works in various contexts, from city streets to suburban galleries.

wall gallery street artwork

Some of his gallery works repeat the same themes and similar scenes on scrap objects, from wooden pallets to metal doors, to those he presents on building walls.

wall sketch photo realistic

From the creator’s website: “His hand-cut, multi-layered stencils create photo-realistic imagery with depth and detail that [are] complex, tactile and mentally engagement. The placement and choice of material … painted on rusty metal, gritty walls, shiny glass”


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