Posts Tagged ‘Muralist’

Mirage Muralist: Street Artist Bends Surfaces Using Illusion

12 Sep

[ By WebUrbanist in Art & Street Art & Graffiti. ]

street art subtractive wall

With works often requiring second looks or sanity checks, artist Pejac bends reality in his use of paint and other materials to create sublime art from walls, streets, sidewalks and gutters.

street art splatter paint

street art painting scene

His newest works in Paris, shown above and below, play with our sense of surface and depth, revealing a hidden world beyond the wall in each case. If the close-up scene looks familiar, you may recognize it as The Luncheon on the Grass by Manet.

street door silhouette drawing

street art door illusion

Likewise implying something secret is this silhouette of a door – at a glance, it is hard to tell what part is a real crack in the concrete and which pieces are simply painted on top.

street art world flow

In previous projects, he has also played with the arts of subtraction and illusion in other clever ways – letting the world, for instance, slowly melt, drip and trickle toward the drain.

street art brick removal

street art paint closeup

Some of these works are quite time-intensive and incredibly detail-sensitive, like this final piece in which the artist carefully chipped away at the white paint on a brick wall to selectively reveal the red surface below it.

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Sideways Street Art: Muralist Makes Figures Walk on Walls

15 May

[ By WebUrbanist in Art & Street Art & Graffiti. ]

wall walking mural figures

These layered creations are surprisingly realistic, even in black and white, thanks in part to their scale and reinforced by their shadows, but also due to the ordinary nature of the sidewalk scenes being depicted.

wall mural stencil art

Strøk (Anders Gjennestad) is a stencil artist and mural maker from Norway with works in various contexts, from city streets to suburban galleries.

wall gallery street artwork

Some of his gallery works repeat the same themes and similar scenes on scrap objects, from wooden pallets to metal doors, to those he presents on building walls.

wall sketch photo realistic

From the creator’s website: “His hand-cut, multi-layered stencils create photo-realistic imagery with depth and detail that [are] complex, tactile and mentally engagement. The placement and choice of material … painted on rusty metal, gritty walls, shiny glass”


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Marvelous Muralist Makes Giant-Sized Street Art Illusions

19 Feb

[ By Steph in Art & Street Art & Graffiti. ]

Sam3 Giant Murals Street Art 1

The facades of entire buildings are transformed with the larger-than-life painted silhouettes of Madrid-based street artist Sam3. Known for both the enormous scale of his work and the graphic simplicity of his figures, Sam3 gives decaying urban buildings a sense of mystery and wonder.

Sam3 Giant Murals Street Art 5 Sam3 Giant Murals Street Art 6

Some works span billboards all over the city, such as a series that spells out the word ‘subliminal.’ Others stretch out across massive apartment complexes – like a giant man stepping out of the sky to pet a cat.

Sam3 8

Sam3 Giant Murals Street Art 3 Sam3 Giant Street Art Murals 4

Many of Sam3′s works are surreal, with celestial elements. An alleyway mural in Vienna depicts a man being peeled like a potato by two gigantic hands.

Sam3 Giant Murals Street Art 2 Sam3 Giant Murals Street Art 7

Sam3′s street art can be seen all over the world, from his home state of Spain to a skyscraper in Atlanta. See more of his work at and Street Art Utopia.

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Marvelous Muralist Makes Giant-Sized Street Art Illusions

05 Feb

[ By Steph in Art & Street Art & Graffiti. ]

Sam3 Giant Murals Street Art 1

The facades of entire buildings are transformed with the larger-than-life painted silhouettes of Madrid-based street artist Sam3. Known for both the enormous scale of his work and the graphic simplicity of his figures, Sam3 gives decaying urban buildings a sense of mystery and wonder.

Sam3 Giant Murals Street Art 5 Sam3 Giant Murals Street Art 6

Some works span billboards all over the city, such as a series that spells out the word ‘subliminal.’ Others stretch out across massive apartment complexes – like a giant man stepping out of the sky to pet a cat.

Sam3 8

Sam3 Giant Murals Street Art 3 Sam3 Giant Street Art Murals 4

Many of Sam3′s works are surreal, with celestial elements. An alleyway mural in Vienna depicts a man being peeled like a potato by two gigantic hands.

Sam3 Giant Murals Street Art 2 Sam3 Giant Murals Street Art 7

Sam3′s street art can be seen all over the world, from his home state of Spain to a skyscraper in Atlanta. See more of his work at and Street Art Utopia.

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