Posts Tagged ‘Sideways’

IKEA Flips Condo Sideways to Create Furniture Climbing Wall

01 Oct

[ By WebUrbanist in Design & Guerilla Ads & Marketing. ]

ikea sofa winging chairs

Furnishings become footholds, supports and resting spots as you scale the flipped-over floor of this fanciful apartment, opened to the public as a method to market a new IKEA store location.

ikea clever climb

ikea guerrilla marketing campaign

Set up in front of an historic church in Clermont-Ferrand, France, locals were invited to scale various routes (four paths in total) of different difficulties made for both children and adults, created in collaboration with Ubi Bene, a local communications agency.

ikea climbing wall

vertical climbing wall apartment

The mock apartment features beds, bookcases, chairs, tables and other fixtures set against prints, carpets, tiles and textiles, all actually on sale in the store being advertised.

ikea climb wall experience

ikea marketing clermont ferrand

Professional climbers were on hand at the opening to help people get outfitted and learn to climb – probably not something that would have been an easy sell in a country like the United States with its safety restrictions.

ikea climb

vertical climb ikea living

Spanning roughly 30 feet vertically and horizontally, the area is effectively that of (close to) a 1000-square-foot living space.

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Floor-to-Wall Books: Dizzying Sideways Cafe Design in NYC

12 Apr

[ By WebUrbanist in Design & Fixtures & Interiors. ]

finished space interior design

Looking like a bookshop flipped ninety degrees, this coffee shop was stands out even in Manhattan, a world of off-the-wall spaces and strange conceptual designs.

exterior shop storefront

This new location for D’espresso was crated by Nemaworkshop, “a team of architects, designers and thinkers who create spaces which are conceptually bold yet highly sensitive to cultural and social contexts.”

interior dual views

Referencing the historical combination of cafes and bookstores as well as the nearby New York Public Library, the book photographs wrapping the floor, back wall and ceiling above become conversation pieces as well as a wraparound backdrop for sipping lattes. Meanwhile, the ‘floor’ on the left wall provides a backdrop for seating and contrasts with the functional ‘ceiling’ lighting on the right, which illuminates and differentiates the service space behind the counter.

concept floor side

About Nemaworkshop: “The studio approaches projects through research and collaborative brainstorming wherein ideas are discussed and reworked until a team emerges with a single cohesive concept.” Like its results, “the process is a non-linear approach, adhering to the conviction that good ideas can come from unlikely places. Ultimately, the designs challenge architectural typologies, demonstrate acute cultural awareness and propose original spatial concepts.

concept drawing interior

About this particular project itself, the designers write: “The client approached nemaworkshop with a single espresso bar existing and the ambition to build an espresso empire. For the location for the second shop, on Madison and backs up to Grand Central Terminal, Nemaworkshop and the client agreed that the design needed to be immediately striking to the goal-oriented suits and wandering tourists alike.”

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Sideways Street Art: Muralist Makes Figures Walk on Walls

15 May

[ By WebUrbanist in Art & Street Art & Graffiti. ]

wall walking mural figures

These layered creations are surprisingly realistic, even in black and white, thanks in part to their scale and reinforced by their shadows, but also due to the ordinary nature of the sidewalk scenes being depicted.

wall mural stencil art

Strøk (Anders Gjennestad) is a stencil artist and mural maker from Norway with works in various contexts, from city streets to suburban galleries.

wall gallery street artwork

Some of his gallery works repeat the same themes and similar scenes on scrap objects, from wooden pallets to metal doors, to those he presents on building walls.

wall sketch photo realistic

From the creator’s website: “His hand-cut, multi-layered stencils create photo-realistic imagery with depth and detail that [are] complex, tactile and mentally engagement. The placement and choice of material … painted on rusty metal, gritty walls, shiny glass”


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