Winter Paddling with Sea Wind Canoe on Horsetooth Reservoir

01 Apr

winter canoe paddling in Colorado

8 years ago, end of March, 2005 …

Sea Wind canoe was featuring in a movie clip from paddling on the Horsetooth Reservoir in a winter scenery.

I launched from Lory State Park at North Eltuck Cove and paddled south to Orchard Cove and back. Launching was fun since I didn’t have to carry the boat to the water. Water Abstracts come from the same paddling trip.

I used Canon Optura XI camcorder mounted on a regular tripod on land and on mini tripod in the front of Sea Wind.

I visited the Orchard Cove a few day later. It wasn’t that nice without snow. When the reservoir was drained during recent years most of cottonwood trees along the shores died. There were cut down and only stumps and piles of wood scraps remained. I remember paddling beyond these trees years ago when the reservoir was full.

The opening picture in this post, Sea Wind canoe in Quarry Cove of Horsetooth Reservoir, was shot on March 28, 2009 with Canon 40D on a tripod. It is one of Horsetooth pictures in my stock photography portfolio available for purchase and licensing.

Related posts:
Thunderbolt Racing Kayak and Ice in Early Spring Paddling
Icy Horsetooth Reservoir – Opening Lake Paddling Season
Paddling Horsetooth Reservoir in Winter Scenery

paddling with a camera

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