Posts Tagged ‘Reservoir’

Winter Stand Up Paddling on Horsetooth Reservoir

20 Feb

I love paddling on the Horsetooth Reservoir in cold season. Boat ramps are closed, no power boat traffic, usually quiet and calm. Snow and ice can enhance scenery. A great time to paddle, train, relax or photograph. The Horsetooth stays […]
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Springtime Paddling on Horsetooth Reservoir with Sea Wind Canoe

09 May
I started my 2015 paddling season on Horsetooth Reservoir in early February, but my favorite time is springtime: a lot of fresh green, wild plums and other bushes in bloom, high water lever with submerged cottonwood trees and little power boat traffic. The reservoir is more than 98% full at this time (see reservoir data.

Horsetooth Reservoir is 6 miles long, but I wonder how long would be a lap around the entire lake following closely the shore. 25+ miles? There is only one way to check it out. So far this year, I haven’t paddled more than 10 miles, always in Sea Wind canoe.

There are several access spots to launch your kayak, canoe or SUP:
1. South Bay – boat ramp
2. Inlet Bay – boat ramp
3. Satanka Bay – boat ramp
4. Sunrise Area from the Centennial Road (closed during winter).
5. North Eltuck Cove from the Lory State Park (trail access up to 0.25 mile at a low water)

I am avoiding boat ramps during power boat season. Off season, I am often using one of the South Bay boat ramps. It’s possible to park on a beach close to water there. Right now, boat ramps are very short and a regular parking is really close to water. I use Sunrise Area next to swimming “beach” mostly during summer. The shore there is quite rocky and not protected from waves and boat wakes. Access point 1-4 require Larimer County Parks pass and 5 – Colorado State Park pass for your car. I used to carry my light Thunderbolt kayak from the Lory State park or tow Sea Wind on snow.

winter dusk over Horsetooth Reservoir

February 5, 2015: Winter dusk over Eltuck Cove looking towards Horsetooth Dam. CameraL Canon 5D M3.

Aerial view of Horsetooth Reservoir

March 30, 2015: Aerial view of the South Eltuck Cove. Camera: Panasonic Lumix GM1 on F550 Flaming Wheel drone.

paddling Horsetooth Reservoir

April 27, 2015: Paddling north along the west coast between South Bay and Dixon Cove. Camera: Sony A6000 with 16-50mm lens.

May 1, 2015: Wild plums blooming.

May 1, 2015: Wild plums blooming. Camera: Sony A6000 with 16-50mm lens.

paddling Horsetooth Reservoir

May 6, 2015: Old sandstone quarry in Satanka Bay. Camera: Sony A6000 with 10-18mm lens.

May 6, 2015: Orchard Cove from the top of old road.

May 6, 2015: Orchard Cove from the top of old road. Camera: Sony A6000 with 10-18mm lens.

Related posts and resources:
Horsetooth REservoir map
Winter Season Paddling on Horsetooth Reservoir with Sea Wind Canoe
Early Morning Paddling on the Horsetooth Reservoir
Fisheye Lens Perspective for Paddling?

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Winter Season Paddling on Horsetooth Reservoir with Sea Wind Canoe

21 Feb

In a typical winter all lakes in northern Colorado are frozen, so I am paddling on the South Platte River. However, this winter I have not been on the river yet. All time I am paddling Sea Wind canoe on the Horsetooth Reservoir just west of Fort Collins. I didn’t paddle in January when the lake was partially frozen and there was no good access to open water.

The ice on Horsetooth is usually starting from its southern end. So, if the South Bay is covered by ice it my be still possible to launch in the north at Satanka Cove from a boat ramp or rocky tip next to the Horsetooth Dam. Sunrise Area on the eastern side would be perfect for winter launching, but is closed for a cold season. You would have to use a cart to transport boats from a parking lot down to the water or execute a pretty long portage.

Pictures below cover all my paddling from late November 2014 till late February 2015.

winter paddling on Horsetooth Reservoir

November 27, 2014 – Eltuck Cove

winter paddling on Horsetooth Reservoir

December 9, 2014: A quiet evening near Inlet Bay.

winter paddling on Horsetooth Reservoir

December 20, 2014 – Exploring Inlet Bay and Hansen Feeder Canal supporting water to Horsetooth Reservoir from the Colorado River through the Big Thompson Project (map)

winter paddling on Horsetooth Reservoir

December 27, 2014 – Quarry Cove in winter scenery, my last paddling in 2014.

winter paddling on Horsetooth Reservoir

February 4, 2015: Quarry Cove, a month later. My first paddling in 2015.

winter paddling on Horsetooth Reservoir

February 13, 2015. Eltuck Cove. Testing a new remote control for my Canon camera – CamRanger with iPod touch.

February 13, 2015: Sunset over Horsetooth Dam seen from the ELtuck Cove.

February 13, 2015: Sunset over Horsetooth Dam seen from the ELtuck Cove. Springtime weather.

winter paddling on Horsetooth Reservoir

February 16, 2015: Back to winter weather. It was snowing. Old sandstone quarry in Satanka Cove.

February 18. 2015: Quarry Cove. Some multitasking: paddling canoe, flying a drone and shooting selfie.

February 18. 2015: Quarry Cove. Some serious multitasking: paddling canoe, flying a drone and shooting selfie.

And, winter is not over yet …

Most of the pictures displayed in this post are included in my stock photography portfolio and are available for license and download as royalty free images. Some of them can also be purchased as prints, posters, cards and other art products.

Related posts:
Icy Horsetooth Reservoir – Opening Lake Paddling Season
Winter Paddling with Sea Wind Canoe on Horsetooth Reservoir – movie
First Snow Paddling with JKK Multisport Supernova Kayak

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Winter Paddling with Sea Wind Canoe on Horsetooth Reservoir

01 Apr

winter canoe paddling in Colorado

8 years ago, end of March, 2005 …

Sea Wind canoe was featuring in a movie clip from paddling on the Horsetooth Reservoir in a winter scenery.

I launched from Lory State Park at North Eltuck Cove and paddled south to Orchard Cove and back. Launching was fun since I didn’t have to carry the boat to the water. Water Abstracts come from the same paddling trip.

I used Canon Optura XI camcorder mounted on a regular tripod on land and on mini tripod in the front of Sea Wind.

I visited the Orchard Cove a few day later. It wasn’t that nice without snow. When the reservoir was drained during recent years most of cottonwood trees along the shores died. There were cut down and only stumps and piles of wood scraps remained. I remember paddling beyond these trees years ago when the reservoir was full.

The opening picture in this post, Sea Wind canoe in Quarry Cove of Horsetooth Reservoir, was shot on March 28, 2009 with Canon 40D on a tripod. It is one of Horsetooth pictures in my stock photography portfolio available for purchase and licensing.

Related posts:
Thunderbolt Racing Kayak and Ice in Early Spring Paddling
Icy Horsetooth Reservoir – Opening Lake Paddling Season
Paddling Horsetooth Reservoir in Winter Scenery

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Bunnies: Reservoir Dogs

13 May

A pack of foul-mouthed bunnies on a killing spree. The 30-Second Bunnies is a troupe of bunnies parodies, a collection of movies by re-enacting them in 30 seconds, more or less. Watch them all at 30 Second Bunnies Animated Animation Flash Quentin Tarantino Reservoir Dogs
Video Rating: 4 / 5