Schlieren photography of moving air

31 Aug

special camera to capture the invisible air movements From Science Channel’s Cool Stuffs: How It works.Discovery Communications own the copyright of this clip from the Beyond Tomorrow TV show. Show your support by subscribing to Discover Channel, Science Channel and TLC. They are my favorite channels and my reason to subscribe to cable TV. Please subscribe to
Video Rating: 4 / 5

This is the trailer for our Travel and Landscape Photography Tips DVD. Part out our Photography Masterclass DVD series. Get More FREE Training at my website: Come home with pictures you want to put on your wall In this exciting programme Karl Taylor takes you on an incredible photographic tour of Paris and shows you the techniques applied to capture stunning travel images. Karl also goes head to head with international award winning landscape photographer Nick Després in a landscape shootout that shows you step by step techniques for capturing breathtaking images. On this DVD you will learn: * Cityscapes Make capturing inspiring cityscapes second nature! With a few simple techniques you will be able to create images that are more eye-catching than you had imagined. * Neutral Density Graduated Filters Learn about the pro photographers secret weapon. See as Karl demonstrates exactly how, why and when to use these image enhancing essentials! * Planning your Images Getting that great shot is not all about point and shoot, Karl explains how planning and researching your location can help you get that winning shot. * Waiting for the Right Light Timing is everything, too early and the light is not right, too late and the light has gone. Discover the magic moment for a range of different photographic situations that will help give your shots that professional edge! * Night Cityscapes Capturing night scenes requires a different discipline and


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