Posts Tagged ‘Type’

Weekly Photography Challenge – Type

01 Dec

The post Weekly Photography Challenge – Type appeared first on Digital Photography School. It was authored by Caz Nowaczyk.

1 - Weekly Photography Challenge Type

Bushells House on the corner of Charles Street and New England Highway, Moonbi by Caz Nowaczyk

Your weekly photography challenge – TYPE!

That’s right! Typography, text, numbers, and glyphs.

Any writing in any language. New, faded, barely legible – sign writing, posters, light painting etc.

2 - Weekly Photography Challenge Type

Brass and Iron Lace Foundry – Forge and Museum, Enmore Road, Uralla NSW Australia by Caz Nowaczyk

3 - Weekly Photography Challenge Type

4 - Weekly Photography Challenge Type

An old truck stop on Putty Road, Garland Valley in Yengo National Park, NSW by Caz Nowaczyk

5 - Weekly Photography Challenge Type

Beechworth, Victoria Australia by Caz Nowaczyk

6 - Weekly Photography Challenge Type

Beechworth, Victoria, Australia by Caz Nowaczyk


7 - Weekly Photography Challenge Type

An old petrol pump gauge at an old truck stop on Putty Road, Garland Valley in Yengo National Park, NSW by Caz Nowaczyk

Check out some of the articles below that may give you inspiration for shooting and editing Type pictures.

How to do a Photography Alphabet Project

How to Find Inspiration for Your Photography When Your Muse is Missing

The Ultimate Guide to Street Photography

How to do Light Painting and Illuminate Your Photography

Beginner’s Guide to Light Painting


Weekly Photography Challenge – Type

Simply upload your shot into the comment field (look for the little camera icon in the Disqus comments section) and they’ll be embedded for us all to see. Or if you’d prefer, upload them to your favorite photo-sharing site and leave the link to them. Show me your best images in this week’s challenge!

Share in the dPS Facebook Group

You can also share your images in the dPS Facebook group as the challenge is posted there each week as well.

If you tag your photos on Flickr, Instagram, Twitter or other sites – tag them as #DPSTYPE to help others find them. Linking back to this page might also help others know what you’re doing so that they can share in the fun.

The post Weekly Photography Challenge – Type appeared first on Digital Photography School. It was authored by Caz Nowaczyk.

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Ultra-rare Konica Rokuoh-Sha Type 89 ‘Machine Gun’ camera pops up on eBay

24 Jan
Photos: eBay

For you collectors out there, a very rare piece of photographic equipment just popped up on eBay. Officially dubbed the Rokuoh-Sha Type 89 “Machine Gun” Military Training Camera, this camera was made by Konishoruko (which later became Konica) for training Japanese airplane gunners during World War II.

According to International Military Antiques and Photo Gear-Heads, these cameras would be mounted in airplanes instead of the real thing as a way to train new gunners. When the trigger is pressed, the camera would begin snapping 18x24mm pictures on 35mm cine film loaded in 2.5m strips. The photos captured whatever the “gun” was aimed at, while an optical stopwatch (placed in the yellow tube up top) was recorded onto the photos using a prism. These images would be examined later to help improve the gunner’s accuracy.

The piece is highly prized by collectors, and there’s a nearly identical model in the permanent collection at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, which would make this a Model 2 with (possibly) the same 75mm Hexar lens.

Photos: eBay

The version on eBay looks a bit more beat up than the Smithsonian’s camera, but still in great shape. The seller, Westborn Camera Co, claims the camera “is in overall excellent condition, especially considering it was used during war-time,” and still works as far as they can tell. In the listing, Westborn writes:

This has been tested to my best ability, and everything seems to check out good: The winder holds firm tension and releases when fired. The shutter can be heard -AND- film transport responds properly.

The camera is going for a Buy It Now price of $ 4,500, which seems a tiny bit high based on the limited research we’ve done. Then again, the price varies a great deal. Closed eBay listings from the past few years went for anywhere between $ 795 and $ 4,100, and a similar model auctioned in 2014 went for 1,600 Euro (~$ 2,100 USD by the average 2014 exchange rate).

To find out more about this crazy camera, or if you wanna go ahead and pick up a very rare piece of military and photographic memorabilia, head on over to the eBay auction. And if you have more information about this very interesting bit of kit, drop us a line in the comments.

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What Type of Photographer Are You?

08 Aug

In the world of photography, everyone seems to fall into certain categories or somewhere in between. There is nothing wrong with either but most photographers seem to be one of these; technical photographers or creative. Technical photographers are more about getting it in-camera, while creative photographers are more focused on composition and post-processing. However, there are others as well, and while you may not think you are one of these, you might fall into one of the others. So what type of photographer are you?

What Type of Photographer Are You?

Photographers all over the place at a popular tourist place in Australia. They are all different and take photos for different reason. There are a lot of different types of photographers.

Technical photographers

A technical photographer is one that likes to know exactly what their camera does and how it works. They understand how white balance will affect their images and what kelvin means in regards to the color scale. Generally, these photographers will know what the sweet spot is for their lens (meaning which aperture will give the best and sharpest images).

Getting the best possible image from the camera is how these photographers like to work. You will hear them talking about how they like to get the image right in-camera, meaning that they don’t want to do any post-processing, or rather they don’t want to do too much. This doesn’t mean that they aren’t also creative, but the technical aspects are more important.

What Type of Photographer Are You?

A technical photographer might just do some basic processing to an image like this and leave it as it is.

Creative photographers

This type of photographer is less concerned about how the camera works and more interested in the composition and what they can do with the camera. You will often find they don’t understand a lot about their camera, other than the basics.

The more creative ones won’t have any issues with post-processing and doing what they can to achieve the results they want. Editing images is part of their creative workflow.

What Type of Photographer Are You?

A creative photographer might try to do a lot of different things to an image and see if they can change it, make it their own.

Other types of photographers

While most of us will fall into one of the above, there are a lot of other categories that many of us will fit into as well. The technical versus creative side is more about what type of photographer you are, but the following says more about why you take photos. Some will fit into more fun type categories, while there are others that are a lot more serious about their craft. You may also find that you fit in more than one of these.

The Fun Photographer

There are a lot these sorts of photographers out there, they often just use phones and are not interested in any technical aspects at all. They are more interested in just taking photos for fun. They will usually only use the cameras that are in their phones.

This category of photographer will take a lot of selfie images. You see them in many places with their backs to the sights as they photograph themselves in front of them. The don’t take photography seriously and for many, the images will go to social media and possibly nowhere else.

In some ways, many of us fit into this category. We are all guilty of taking selfies and taking photos just for fun. There’s nothing wrong with this.

What Type of Photographer Are You?

People at popular tourist place taking photos of themselves with their phone. They are having fun taking photos.

The Social Photographer

For some people, joy comes from going out with others to do activities or hobbies. There are a lot of people who are like this, and we call them social photographers. They have cameras, but the only time they use them is when they go out during photography excursions with others who are like them, or groups of people.

They may not have the most expensive gear, but it is good enough to take images and share the experience with other photographers.

What Type of Photographer Are You?

A group of photographers out together enjoying the social aspect of photography.

The Holiday Photographer

It is hard to believe, but there are people who only take photos when they go on holidays. I have a friend who is one of these. She has learned how to use a DSLR, but she only uses it when she is travelling. She has no interest in taking photos other than to record her trips.

There are other people who are the same. Holidays can be expensive and remembering them is important. So, for these photographers it is vital to know how to take photos so they can capture those places to help them relive their holidays.

What Type of Photographer Are You?

A man holidaying in Melbourne taking photos of the Block Arcade.

The Hobby/Amateur Photographer

There are many photographers that fall into this category, the hobby or amateur photographer. They are usually people who like taking photos for leisure. They don’t do it to earn money, but as something they can do in their spare time.

Going out on the weekends or days off when work and family life allows. They often have gear that is fairly basic as they can’t afford to spend that much money on their hobby. There is no reason to believe the images they create are not good, in fact most of these photographers still take what they do seriously and will learn what they can to take good photos.

What Type of Photographer Are You?

A hobby/amateur photographer taking photos around an old building.

The Serious Amateur Photographer

In this category, you will find the next level of hobby photographers. They do it for their own interest but they are far more serious about it. They spend as much time as they can out taking photos. Often, they will learn everything they can about their cameras and photography in general.

They can be really rigid in their thinking and you might find a lot of them don’t believe in post-processing. In some ways, they can be very technical photographers and because of this they often have the best gear they can afford. Many will have professional level photography equipment.

They can be like professionals, but in many ways they still do it for fun.

What Type of Photographer Are You?

Serious amateur photographer getting ready to take a photo.

The Professional Photographer

They say a professional photographer is anyone who makes money from photography. The reality is a lot do, you could say that someone who sells a photo has made money, so that put them into this category. Perhaps, it should mean making a living by doing photography. Whether that is a lot or not is up to the individual.

The professional doesn’t listen to what is right or wrong in photography and will do what they must to get the image for their client. They can be technical, or creative depending on the work they do. Most know how to use photo manipulation software. They tend to do their own thing.

What Type of Photographer Are You?

A professional photographer with expensive gear, taking photos.

Which one are you?

You might fit into one or more of these categories of photographers. There are no hard rules about it. It is important to remember that most of these are just generalizations and there will always be differences.

So which type of photographer are you? Which do you most relate to? Fill in the poll below and tell us!

Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post’s poll.

The post What Type of Photographer Are You? by Leanne Cole appeared first on Digital Photography School.

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How to Choose the Right Digital Camera for a Specific Type of Photography

19 Apr

Are you overwhelmed with the many digital camera options available in the market? This article will help you determine the right camera for your specific photography need. Whether it’s portrait, landscape, travel, sports and adventure, or aerial photography that you want to get into, you can’t just settle for the most popular. So before you go checking out what the Continue Reading

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Heavy lifting: Leica S (Type 007) sample gallery

09 Sep

A few weeks ago we got a hands-on look at the Leica S Type 007, a camera that brings a CMOS sensor to Leica’s medium format S-series for the first time. Its 37.5MP 30 x 45mm sensor boasts ISO sensitivity up to 12,500. We took the S and a pair of lenses out for a spin – check out our gallery. Read more

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Hands-on: Leica claims fastest in the world for its new CMOS S (Type 007)

26 Aug

Announced last September, Leica’s medium format S camera presents a number of key changes that bring it up to date with the latest models from its main competitors. Although the S Type 007 retains the same pixel-count as the previous Type 006, the company has switched from its traditional CCD sensor to a CMOS unit. It also claims the title of world’s fastest framerate in its class. We spent a little time getting to know the S Type 007. Read more

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Leica M Monochrom Type 246 offers live view and boosted ISO range

01 May

Leica has introduced an updated version of its black-and-white-only digital rangefinder. The M-Monochrom Typ 246 uses a full frame 24MP CMOS sensor that, like its predecessor, has no color filter array. The model that came before it used an 18MP CCD sensor, so the upgrade to a CMOS chip provides several improvements such as live view and video recording capabilities. Read more

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Paint Me White Again: Tunnel Type Graffiti Taunts Authorities

28 Sep

[ By WebUrbanist in Art & Street Art & Graffiti. ]

paint me white again

Well known for stenciling big block-lettered phrases on walls around his native Newscastle, this piece is unusually blunt (as well as hilarious), amounting to a multi-part conversation between the artist and the city.

street art blank wall

street art painted over

Even better than the original ‘COME ON AND PAINT ME WHITE AGAIN’ dare is the later response after the municipality indeed whitewashed the first work: ‘BOOORING’, using his same signature typography in black paint.

joke around the corner

mobster street art checklist

mobstr newcastle reblog this

While not all of his work is quite so meta-minded as this series, this sequence remains a great illustration of how graffiti is generally temporary as well as contextual, and can have elements of humor and self-reflection beyond simple tagging. Some of his works are best seen in video form rather than via photographs, hence a few fun short films below.

A self-described minimalist, Mobstr explains the origins of his nom de plume, which are none too surprising: “It is a play on the term mobster which is someone who deals in organised crime. Most of my work is illegal however a lot of organisation goes into it. So as a joke I use the idea of it being organised (art) crime.” Also, he had a lobster named mobster.

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What Type of PhotographerAre YOU Shopping For?

19 Nov

Santa has just two gift lists: Nice Folks/Naughty People.

But your lists are more complicated than that (and you don’t give half the people you know lumps of coal).

Luckily, we’re here to recommend gifts for all types of folks.

From the DSLR slingin’ pro to your aunt who just discovered her phone has a camera in it, we’ve got prezzies for them all.

BONUS FUN TIMES: Today only, play our Photo Madlibs (give us a few words and a couple photos, we’ll give you a wacky story).

The “Pro” in Professional
Has a DSLR and Knows How to Use It

Lensbaby Spark

An easy-to-use tilt-shift lens, controlled with a smoosh. → More

Camera Lens Mugs

These mugs are true-to-life replicas of SLR lenses! → More

Photorito Lens Wrap

Keep your lenses delicious and safe with this cuddly wrap. → More

Lens Bracelets

Show your camera love! Bracelets inspired by lenses. → More

Cellular Scorsese
Makin’ Oscar Worthy Magic On Your Cell Phone

iPhone SLR Lens Mount

Shoot on your iPhone, through high-quality SLR lenses. → More

iPhone Video Rig

It’s a unibody frame, adjustable mic, and wide-angle lens. → More


A pro-quality cinema track, made especially for phones. → More

The Bikepod

Attach your phone to the dolly you already own, your bike. → More

Baby’s First DSLR
Make That New Fancy Cam Even Fancier

Carlisle Camera Bag

Holds your camera and more, for a shoot or daytrip. → More


This rugged pod bends to grab or stand on any surface. → More

Zigzag Camera Strap

A colorful strap to hold up your camera in style. → More

Lens Cap Strap Holder

Never lose another lens cap! This clip’ll hold onto it for ya.→ More

The Budding Phoneographer
Your Selfie Obsessed Kid Sister

Holga iPhone Lens

Dial through 9 lenses and filters to add effects as you shoot. → More

The Pocket Spotlight

Add soft light just where you want it. Buh-bye harsh flash. → More

The Keyprop

The littlest phone prop fits on your keychain. → More

Photojojo University

Gift a friend the joy of learning in Phonography 101. → More

The Film Fanatic
If they can’t hold it in their hand, it’s not a photo

Polaroid z2300

Takes digital photos and prints them onto 2×3″ stickers. → More

Instax Mini 8 & 25

Prints pop out on business card sized instant film. → More

Smartphone Film Scanner

Scan 35mm film directly onto your phone for fast sharing. → More

The Egg Carton Film Case

Store 10 rolls of 35mm film safe, snug, and dust-free. → More

© laurel for Photojojo, 2013. |
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What Type of Photography Do You Do? [POLL]

07 Jul

It is time for another of our polls – this one revisits a topic that we did a poll on back in 2009 – What Type of Photography Do You Do?

Please choose all categories that apply to what you do (as many as you like).

Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post’s poll.

If there’s a category that you don’t see in the list – feel free to tell us about it in comments below.

Post originally from: Digital Photography Tips.

Check out our more Photography Tips at Photography Tips for Beginners, Portrait Photography Tips and Wedding Photography Tips.

What Type of Photography Do You Do? [POLL]

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