Posts Tagged ‘Train’

Railroaded: 9 Nifty Abandoned Train Car Graveyards

10 Mar

[ By Steve in Technology & Vehicles & Mods. ]

train graveyards
Where do obsolete trains go when they die? Many end up in railroad graveyards where these former station-stopping locomotives stay stopped and stationary.

Vic Berry’s Scrapyard, Leicester, UK

Vic Berry's Scrapyard train graveyard(images via: Nigel Tout and Crewcastrian)

Vic Berry’s Scrapyard was a Leicester, England landmark from 1973 to 1991 when it was destroyed in a massive fire set by unknown, presumably train-hating, arsonists. Specializing in asbestos removal, Vic Berry’s set a standard for large-scale industrial recycling while its more well-known claim to fame was an immense pyramid of 30 disused Class 25 and 27 locomotives that reached its greatest height and breadth in 1987.

Vic Berry's Scrapyard train graveyard stack(image via: Nigel Tout)

Vic Berry’s Scrapyard’s reputation as a specialist in asbestos remediation was a double-edged sword. Firms eager to scrap old engines and passenger cars looked to the Leicester yard first, leading to a boost in business and a growing stockpile of non-rolling, asbestos-containing stock stored onsite.

Vic Berry's Scrapyard train graveyard fire Leicester(images via: Leicester Mercury and Nigel Tout)

The worst thing that could happen was a large fire, and that’s exactly what DID happen in March of 1991. The blaze destroyed most of the yard’s stored stock and poisonous clouds of asbestos-infused smoke wafted across Leicester. The yard was subsequently closed and after a very long (approximately 5 years) and difficult cleanup, the site was redeveloped into the mixed use, residential and retail district of Bede Island.

Thessaloniki, Greece

Thessaloniki Greece rusty steam train graveyard(images via: Daily Mail/Associated Newspapers Ltd. and Construction Photography, Rail Photo)

The ancient city of Thessaloniki, Greece is still thriving today, as is its train station. The trains, not so much… at least the older models dating back to the Steam Age when the city belonged to the Ottoman Empire. Why did these engines and coaches get the works? That’s nobody’s business but the Turks.

Shendi, Sudan

train graveyard Shendi Sudan(images via: Panoramio/Wolodymyr)

The Sudanese city of Shendi has long been a regional trading and transportation hub so it’s no great surprise to see it’s got a respectable train graveyard in its, er, backyard. There aren’t all that many trains sitting in situ in Shendi’s shifting sands but to their credit, the variety of abandoned locomotives includes both early and modern types. Kudos to Panoramio user Wolodymyr for documenting a site (and a sight) very few might otherwise be aware of.

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Railroaded 9 Nifty Abandoned Train Graveyards

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Transits Of Venus: 8 Women-Only Subway & Train Cars

08 Sep

[ By Steve in Global & Travel & Places. ]

women-only subway train cars
Subway sandwich: good if you’re hungry, bad if you’re a female commuter. These 8 women-only transit cars offer groups of gals a grope-free rail road trip.

Japanese Rail & Subways

Tokyo Metro women-only subway train car(image via: Wikipedia)

Japan first introduced women-only subway cars in 1912, though their usage was sporadic and isolated. Modern usage of train and subways carriages specifically restricted to women dates from the year 2000 with the Tokyo Metro succumbing to popular demand for such cars in 2005.

Japan subway women-only cars(images via: Apple Daily, The Japan Times and The Grid)

They may have been late to the dance but the Tokyo Metro now serves as a model for other city’s and nation’s transit systems on how to do women-only transit right. Designated cars are consistently color-coded (pink, naturally) to avoid confusion by the visually-impaired, signage on the trains in in the stations is profuse, and transit police are on hand to enforce the rules.

Rio de Janeiro Metro, Brazil

women-only car Rio de Janeiro Metro Brazil subway(image via: RAYRAY IN RIO!)

Brazil’s first gender-specific subway cars first appeared on São Paulo Metro in October 1995, but the scheme was discontinued in September 1997 after the Companhia Paulista de Trens Metropolitanos (CPTM) received complaints from married couples. There was also the possibility that Article 5 of the Brazilian Constitution, which guarantees equality among citizens, might be inadvertently flouted giving rise to an expensive legal challenge. Curiously, the Rio de Janeiro Metro was untroubled by these sticking points and introduced women-only subway passenger carriages in April of 2006.

women-only cars Rio de janeiro Metro Brazil subway(images via: NBC News and Andén 2)

The official policy regarding women-only carriages dictates that for trains with six passenger cars, one car must exhibit predominantly pink colors and signage denoted the car to be for the exclusive use of women. It should be noted that pinkness notwithstanding, the women-only restriction only applies on weekdays during the morning and afternoon rush hours (3 hours each). Metro police enforcement is provided to ensure non-women (also known as men) stay out of the cars and station platforms have signs in pink, white and yellow on their floors indicating where women should assemble for boarding.

women-only car Rio de Janeiro Metro Brazil subway(image via: Wikipedia/Mario Roberto Durán Ortiz)

The recent introduction of Rio de Janeiro’s “Women’s Exclusive Cars” has allowed the system to borrow from other successful subway networks around the world: note the “Mind The Gap” warning on the platform, lifted from the London Underground circa 1969.

“Kereta Khusus Wanita”, Indonesia

Kereta Khusus Wanita Indonesia women-only commuter trains(images via: CharlesKKB, The Jakarta Post and

If the Indonesian commuter train you’re about to board is trimmed in pink & purple and bears the legend “Kereta Khusus Wanita”, back off Jack… unless you’re a Jill.

Kereta Khusus Wanita Indonesia women-only train(image via: Korean Lecture Heeya)

Indonesian women have taken to the women-only services provided by the nation’s commuter train lines, and if such service is withdrawn they don’t take the loss lying down. Such was the case in May of 2013 when PT KAI Jabodetabek Commuter decided to discontinue the exclusive cars on its women-only Electric Railway Train (KRL) line running the Bogor to Jakarta route. “”

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Transits Of Venus 8 Women Only Subway Train Cars

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Artist Rolf Sachs’ photo series inspired by train travel, embraces blur

21 Aug


Anyone who’s traveled by train has seen the landscape outside of their car moving by in a blur. While most of us turn our attention back to our reading material and mobile devices, artist Rolf Sachs’ finds inspiration. His photo series, called ‘Camera in Motion,’ aims to capture the effect of the blurred landscapes outside of his train traveling between Switzerland and Italy. The resulting images walk a line between landscape photography and surrealist art. Click through to see some of his work.

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Highest Steam: 9 Abandoned Railroad & Train Bridge Trestles

14 Jul

[ By Steve in Abandoned Places & Architecture. ]

abandoned train trestles
Durable by design and situated by necessity in difficult to access locations, train trestles are often all that remain when railroads are closed and abandoned.

Tallulah Falls Railway, Georgia

Great Locomotive Chase Tallulah Falls train trestles(images via: and Photography-On-The-Net)

Georgia’s Tallulah Falls Railway operated over a span of nearly 90 years – from September 1st, 1871 to March 25th, 1961. You may have seen the railway from your living room as it was featured in several films including 1951′s I’d Climb the Highest Mountain and the 1955 Walt Disney production, The Great Locomotive Chase. As well, 1972′s epic film Deliverance featured two of the main tourist attractions the Tallulah Falls Railway was built to serve: the waterfall at Lake Tallulah Falls and the scenic view from Tallulah Gorge. Guaranteed to make you squeal!

Tallulah Railway Georgia train trestle (image via: Je Kemp)

In order to keep trains running on the straight & level along the railway’s 58 mile stretch from Cornelia, Georgia to Franklin, North Carolina, more than 40 wooden trestles and one series of steel and concrete trestles had to be constructed. It’s little wonder the railway closed due to a mounting and unsustainable debt load. One of the railway’s now bridge-less steel and concrete trestles is shown above, courtesy of Flickr user Je Kemp.

Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic Railroad, Michigan

Marquette Michigan wooden abandoned train trestle (images via: Andy Larsen Photography and Beaded Heron)

A combination wood and steel trestle and pocket dock was constructed in 1931 to bring iron ore to ships waiting in Marquette, Michigan’s lower harbor. The dock officially closed on December 31st, 1971 when ore shipments were diverted to Escanaba and the railway, trestles and dock subsequently fell into disrepair. In the early 2000′s, redevelopment resulted in portions of the trestle and dock being demolished. Kudos to Beaded Heron who captured the wooden portion of the trestle standing in majestic solitude after the adjoining steel dock had been salvaged.

Denver, Northwestern and Pacific Railroad, Colorado

Rollins Pass Colorado Devils Slide train trestle (images via: Gather/Winston W and The Long Ranger/Justin Simoni)

In 1903 when the Denver, Northwestern and Pacific Railroad first laid rails across the Great Divide at Colorado’s 11,660 foot high Rollins Pass, it was hailed as a triumph of American railway engineering. Twenty-five years later, another engineering triumph – the Moffat Tunnel – negated the need for the Rollins Pass line and the rail bed was converted to accommodate road traffic.

Devils Slide Trestle train Colorado(image via:

Supported by the east and west Devils Slide Trestles, the route has been off-limits to cars and trucks since 1990 when a rock slide blocked the Needle’s Eye tunnel. Hikers and bikers are still allowed to cross the over-a-century-old wooden train trestles, though one might end up meeting the Devil himself should he or she take an unexpected slide.

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Highest Steam 9 Abandoned Railroad Bridge Trestles

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Train – Marry Me (Cover by Michelle Lam)

31 Jan

Marry Me by Train Covered by Michelle Lam Please like and subscribe! Hi everyone. This one’s no where near perfect, you can hear the birds chirping outside my window and you can even hear my mum calling me from downstairs towards the end. ZOMG the upload for the high quality video just decided to abort itself and so now I have to upload a lower quality version. But it’s been so long since I’ve uploaded a cover. Amanda, I’m sorry I no longer sound like a little girl. =( A while back, you requested that I learn this song. So a month and a half overdue, here it is. For those of you who want guitar tabs/chords, I learnt them by ear on the evening that my friend requested the song, so I’m not sure if they’re all correct. But I just took a look around and these tabs look very good: Hope you all enjoyed the video =) xx michelle
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DIY Photo Stands: How to Train Your Photojojo Dinos

24 Jan

Extra photos for bloggers: 1, 2, 3

You just got your Photojojo package (yay!). And what’s this? A stowaway-a-saurus!

Learn how to train your newly found dino friends to sit, stay, and speak–er– hold a photo!

Gather up those stowaways and put them to good use by turning them into photo holders.

In a few easy steps, you can turn your dino collection in to a dino photo collection! (ooooh ahhhhhh)

*Don’t worry, no dinosaurs were hurt in the making of this tutorial.

Turn Your Dinos into Roaring Photo Stands
Read the rest of DIY Photo Stands: How to Train Your Photojojo Dinos (630 words)

© Margo for Photojojo, 2013. |
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New York Post sensationalizes photo of man killed by subway train

13 Dec


A New York tabloid newspaper has caused controversy by publishing an image of a man about to be killed by a subway train on its front cover, along with a dramatic headline. The image shows a subway train bearing down on a man who’d been pushed into its path. The paper’s handling of the story has been widely criticized and it raises a range of issues over the actions of all the parties involved. Journalism school The Poynter Institute has an interesting summary, separating the different aspects about a controversy that brings a lot of difficult questions about photojournalism and news reporting. What do you think?

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New York Post sensationalizes photo of man killed by subway train

05 Dec


A New York tabloid newspaper has caused controversy by publishing an image of a man about to be killed by a subway train on its front cover, along with a dramatic headline. The image shows a subway train bearing down on a man who’d been pushed into its path. The paper’s handling of the story has been widely criticized and it raises a range of issues over the actions of all the parties involved. Journalism school The Poynter Institute has an interesting summary, separating the different aspects about a controversy that brings a lot of difficult questions about photojournalism and news reporting. What do you think?

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(2) train Shuttle Bus Action and BX21 / BX19 Bus at 174th Street / Southern Blvd.

28 Nov

Subscribe / Rate Video too =)! MaBSTOA Bus & West Farms Bus IRT White Plains Road Line! 2nd Week of the (2) train Shuttle Bus at 174th Street Local from 180th Street, Morris Park Avenue to 149th Street, Grand Concourse BX19 | Bronx Park, The Bronx to Riverbank Park, Manhattan BX21 | Westchester Square to Mott Haven, The Bronx BUS NUMBERS (REVIEW VIDEO FOR MORE) 1249 4047 5300 5641 7663 7749 8775 NovaBUS LFSA, New Flyer D60HF, Orion 5 / 7 and RTS is shown here! ENJOY =)! Video Taken: July 10, 2011 C550D @1080p [FULL HD]
Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Learn Shapes and Carve Pumpkins with Shawn the Train – Fun Cartoon for Kids

02 Aug

Educational cartoon for children where Shawn the Train teaches different shapes and carves pumpkins with them. Video shows colorful shapes and train. Great Train theme will help your child remember shapes even faster. Also check out preview of our upcoming cartoon “The Alphabet Adventure With Alice And Shawn The Train” on our channel. Thank you for watching!!! Your kids will love it!!! ***POSTER SHIPPING WITHIN CONTINENTAL US IS ONLY .94! THAT IS INCLUDING POSTER TUBE! ON AMAZON.COM AND CANADA IS ONLY .95!!!*** coilbook™ | Learning is easy when it’s fun!™
Video Rating: 0 / 5